ABOUT: Find MATCHBOX CARS in retail shops located on Cowrie, Wharf, Teredo & Trail Bay Centre. Pick up an ENTRY FORM at the registration booth located on Cowrie near the Rainbow Crosswalk, write down the description of the MATCHBOX CARS which shops you saw the MATCHBOX CARS in (please don’t take the cars with you). Then drop the entry into box called SCAVENGER HUNT at the registration booth.
The most matchbox cars found wins a fabulous GIFT BASKET full of goodies from participating shops! https://secheltdowntown.com
TAGS #SDBA #ShowNShine #sechelt #event #sunshinecoast #sunshinecoastbc #explorebc #explorecanada #sunshinecoastcanada #explorecanada #travelBC #travelcanada #KeepItCoastal #coastlove #shoplocal #shopsechelt #sunshinecoast #antiquecarshow #events #thingstodo #ThingsToDoWithKids #scavengerhunt The Coasters Car Club