The Sunshine Coast Business Recovery Centre (SCBRC) is excited to announce the launch of their 2nd annual #KeepitCoastal holiday campaign! ✨ Keep it Coastal is a place-based brand that celebrates and promotes community love here on the Sunshine Coast BC Canada 🇨🇦 This year’s Keep it Coastal holiday campaign aims to:
👉 Educate consumers on the all the amazing benefits of choosing to spend locally
👉 Celebrate our local businesses and entrepreneurs
👉 Amplify community pride here on the coast
Want to get involved? Head over to find all the ways you can participate in this year's exciting buy local campaign!
Sunshine Coast BC Canada Facebook Page 🇨🇦
TAGS #KeepItCoastal #ChooseLocal #CoastLove #CommunityPride #LoveLocal #ShopLocal #SupportLocal #BuyLocal #Local #SupportCoastalBusiness #SupportLocalBusiness #SunshineCoastBC #SecheltBC #GibsonsBC #RobertsCreekBC #MadeiraParkBC #PenderHarbourBC #EgmontBC #SCBRC #sunshinecoast #sunshinecoastcanada #britishcolumbia #canada #gibsons #sechelt #robertscreek #penderharbour #egmont #madierapark