This holiday season why not #KeepitCoastal and discover all our local business community has to offer! When your shopping dollar stays in our local economy, a whole chain of positive impact begins ❤️
Share your coastal discoveries and help spread the word about the importance of shopping local using #KeepitCoastal on all your social posts, and head over to Sunshine Coast Business Recovery Centre (SCBRC) website at for more information on how you can support our amazing local business community this holiday season, and all year round! ✨
Keep It Coastal is supported by Sunshine Coast BC Canada Facebook Page 🇨🇦
TAGS #KeepItCoastal #ChooseLocal #CoastLove #CommunityPride #LoveLocal #ShopLocal #SupportLocal #BuyLocal #Local #SupportCoastalBusiness #SupportLocalBusiness #SunshineCoastBC #SecheltBC #GibsonsBC #RobertsCreekBC #MadeiraParkBC #PenderHarbourBC #EgmontBC #SCBRC #sunshinecoast #sunshinecoastcanada #sechelt #gibsons #robertscreek #madeirapark #penderharbour #egmont