Shop your values today, and throughout the holiday season! Choose to #KeepitCoastal and show love to all the amazing small businesses we have right here on the Coast ❤️
Even a small shift in your spending towards local shops, businesses, and service providers can pave the way for economic growth, the creation of new jobs, increased creative entrepreneurship, and so much more, here in our coastal communities.
To learn more about the positive impacts of choosing to spend your dollars locally head over to Sunshine Coast Regional Economic Development Organization website at
Keep It Coastal is Proudly supported by Sunshine Coast BC Canada Facebook page 🇨🇦
TAG Sunshine Coast Business Recovery Centre + Town of Gibsons + District of Sechelt + Sunshine Coast Regional District
TAGS #KeepItCoastal #ChooseLocal #CoastLove #CommunityPride #LoveLocal #ShopLocal #SupportLocal #BuyLocal #Local #SupportCoastalBusiness #SupportLocalBusiness #SunshineCoastBC #SecheltBC #GibsonsBC #RobertsCreekBC #MadeiraParkBC #PenderHarbourBC #EgmontBC #SCBRC #sunshinecoastcanada #sechelt #gibsons #robertscreek #sunshinecoast #sechelt #penderharbour #britishcolumbia #canada #CoastLove