TAG @ all the local businesses you plan on supporting this holiday season in the comments below! 👇 When you choose to #KeepitCoastal and spend your dollars locally you are directly supporting the eclectic diversity that local small businesses bring to our communities and is what makes the coast so vibrant, unique, and full of character!
Each of our local businesses adds something different, one-of-a-kind, and together they create an exciting, livable community we are proud to call home ❤️
Sunshine Coast Business Recovery Centre https://www.scbrc.ca/
Keep It Coastal is proudly supported by Sunshine Coast BC Canada Facebook page 🇨🇦
#VIDEO 🎥 Dolf Vermeulen Creative
HashTAGS #KeepItCoastal #ChooseLocal #CoastLove #CommunityPride #LoveLocal #ShopLocal #SupportLocal #BuyLocal #Local #SupportCoastalBusiness #SupportLocalBusiness #SunshineCoastBC #SecheltBC #GibsonsBC #RobertsCreekBC #MadeiraParkBC #PenderHarbourBC #EgmontBC #SCBRC #sunshinecoast #sechelt #gibsons #robertscreek #sunshinecoastcanada #penderharbour #madeirapark #egmont