WATER - The time is now! It will come as no surprise that everyone I talk to wants more water available this summer – it remains at the top of their list of priorities.
We are fortunate that there is lots of water available up and down the Coast. But how do we get it?
I’m pleased to provide my personal view of the actions we need to take to meet our immediate needs and to provide water for decades to come.
First, we must drill a well on District of Sechelt land on Dusty Road in East Porpoise Bay, immediately. Such a well is affordable and it could produce significantly more volume of water than the SCRD hopes to get from the soon-to-be completed Church Road well near Grantham’s Landing.
Second, I understand that our shรญshรกlh friends and neighbours are considering providing some water from wells located on their Lehigh mine site to the SCRD. I hope they will be able to do so as we can never have enough water. Also, it’s a great example of our communities working together to benefit everyone!
For the Dusty Road well, I ask - what are we waiting for? The SCRD studied this about three years ago but chose to not proceed, for reasons that I, and many experts, feel are flawed. For example, test drilling was stopped at 275 feet despite plans to drill deeper. Concerns were raised about contamination risks and about the potential for future industrial developments in the area.
It is my contention that any such risks are miniscule and entirely manageable – especially when compared to the very real costs to our community from suffering through water shortages in the future. Also, if the well is impacted by developments in the decades to come, we can simply shut it down at that time. What matters is that we will have had water between now and then (by which time, we must have implemented the long-term solutions.)
To me, this is an emergency and we must act immediately. I know drillers who are ready to go. I plan to meet with the BC minister responsible for water management in the coming weeks to confirm that we will be proceeding with this plan and to seek his cooperation so we can get the Dusty Road Well into operation within six months.
For decades, we have heard ideas and possible solutions, yet here we are, still, without a long-term plan.
Whether it is sourcing water from Clowhom or Sakinaw Lakes, increasing the height of the dam at Chapman Lake, connecting to Pender Harbour’s water system, building reservoirs, drilling more wells, or reducing the environmental flow needs (EFN) in Chapman Creek, solutions abound.
Sourcing water is something done around the world by experts. So, let’s invite the world to bring their expertise and recommendations to us! Let’s get the most innovative and sustainable solution possible – it’s the right thing to do.
I believe the best way to proceed is for us to have a Water Supply Solutions Team comprised of volunteers, experts and local government staff. We are fortunate to have industry experts who live here on the Coast, in addition to our very capable staff. This Team will be charged with outlining our needs and opportunities and reaching out to qualified companies to provide us with their proposed solutions. I believe it is reasonable for the Team to complete this work in the first half of this year, then give industry the second half of the year to respond. This means we could be in a position to assess and select the best solutions before the end of 2023!
I am honoured that you elected me to be your Mayor, giving me the opportunity to deliver solutions and get things done. I want to assure you, that I take this responsibility very seriously. My view is that Stage 4 – and even Stage 3 – restrictions are unacceptable. These have done real harm to our residents, businesses and visitors in recent years.
Of course, I realize that this is an aggressive approach - but the fact is, this is an emergency. We don’t need studies, we don’t need surveys, we don’t need approvals. We need water and we need it now.
In the coming two weeks, I will present the above to the SCRD Board and to the District of Sechelt Council for their consideration. My hope is that everyone will embrace the opportunity to get into action, without delay.
John R. Henderson, Mayor, District of Sechelt.
Questions? Suggestions? Send them to me at JohnHendersonForSechelt@gmail.com
John Henderson for Sechelt
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— in Sechelt, British Columbia.