EVENT INFO: Turbojugend Sunshine Coast, Take Warning! Here's the Breakdown. ALL COMEDY AND LIVE MUSIC FOR $60 (EVENT PASS) ****this price will go up on June 1st to $80.00**** OR $25.00 PER SHOW. (Comedy and Live Music) $25 for Matinee on Saturday June 24th.
Thursday June 22nd ----- IN GIBSONS 6PM-8PM - LIve Comedy in The Gibsons Legion Lounge Royal Canadian Legion Branch #109 Gibsons Featuring: Kevin Von Helvete, Jackie Agnew, Johnny Divito, Rae Lyn Carson 8PM-12AM - Live Music in the Gibsons Legion Hall BLACKOUT!, TRENCHRAID, DEFIBRILLATORS, RYAN EVIL
Friday June 23rd. -------- IN SECHELT 4:00PM-6:00PM Festival Welcoming & Happy Hour BBQ Sechelt Legion - OUTDOOR PATIO MUST HAVE EVENT PASS for this gathering. 6:00PM-8:00PM Live Comedy in The Sechelt Legion Lounge Featuring: Evan Mumford, Rae Lynn Carson, Sophia Ballantyne, TBA 8:00PM-12:00AM The 140 Legion Bar & Grill Live Music in The Sechelt Legion Hall BRASS, MODERN TERROR, BLACKOUT!, KISS THE KNIFE (Vintage Turbonegro Tribute) $25.00 AT DOOR OR EVENT PASS
Saturday June 24th. -------- IN SECHELT 1:00PM-4:00PM Live music In The Sechelt Legion Hall JOHNNY TRASH (Punk Rock Johnny Cash Tribute ) Blacksmith & Brewer, SLOFX (Acoustic NOFX covers) The 140 Legion Bar & Grill $20.00 AT DOOR OR EVENT PASS
6:00PM-8:00PM Comedy in the Sechelt Legion Lounge Featuring: Kevin Von Helvete, Evan Mumford, Jackie Agnew, Johnny Divito. 8:00PM-12:00AM Sechelt Legion Hall Show The 140 Legion Bar & Grill WAINGRO, AK-747S, REBEL PRIEST, BARBARIANS $25.00 AT DOOR OR EVENT PASS
#events #turbofest #turbojugend #music #gibsons #sechelt #sunshinecoast #sunshinecoastbc #sunshinecoastcanada #exploreBC #exploreCanada #event #canada #britishcolumbia #musicfestival #comedyfestival