Saturday, August 12, 2023

Coastal Comedy Tour 🌊🀣

Alex Mackenzie’s Coastal Comedy Tour 🌊🀣 Sunshine Coast BC Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ This hilarious tour featuring three incredibly talented Just For Laughs comedians will be at Pender Harbour August 18th; Powell River 19th; and Gibsons 25th. Presented by ECL Productions. GET Tickets!

ABOUT: Alex Mackenzie, the host of the show, is an upbeat and overly positive funny man who is sure to keep you entertained all night long. Chris Griffin is a world-class storyteller whose comedic tales are sure to leave you in stitches. And last but not least, Sophia Johnson, a comedian hailing all the way from New Zealand, will bring her unique brand of humour to the stage.

These talented performers have been featured on Just for Laughs, CBC, and Netflix, so you know you’re in for a night of top-quality comedy.

Tickets for the show are just $30 and are available online. So gather your friends and come join us for a night of laughter 🀣

GET Tickets!

TAGS #events #gibsons #powellriver #qathet #penderharbour #thingstodo #comedy #comedynight #summer #sunshinecoast #sunshinecoastcanada #canada #exploreBC #britishcolumbia #explorcanada #hellobc #travelbc #comedian #summer2023 #alexmackenzie #chrisgriffin #sophiajohnson #eclproductions #comedytour #coastalcomedytour

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Show N Shine Scavenger Hunt 🏎️

Show N Shine Scavenger Hunt 🏎️ 10am - 3pm. Saturday, August 12, Sechelt, Sunshine Coast BC Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ The most matchbox cars found wins a fabulous $200 GIFT BASKET full of goodies from participating shops! GOOD LUCK πŸ€ Sechelt Downtown Business Association.

ABOUT: Find MATCHBOX CARS in retail shops located on Cowrie, Wharf, Teredo & Trail Bay Centre. Pick up an ENTRY FORM at the registration booth located on Cowrie near the Rainbow Crosswalk, write down the description of the MATCHBOX CARS which shops you saw the MATCHBOX CARS in (please don’t take the cars with you). Then drop the entry into box called SCAVENGER HUNT at the registration booth.

The most matchbox cars found wins a fabulous GIFT BASKET full of goodies from participating shops!

TAGS #SDBA #ShowNShine #sechelt #event #sunshinecoast #sunshinecoastbc #explorebc #explorecanada #sunshinecoastcanada #explorecanada #travelBC #travelcanada #KeepItCoastal #coastlove #shoplocal #shopsechelt #sunshinecoast #antiquecarshow #events #thingstodo #ThingsToDoWithKids #scavengerhunt The Coasters Car Club

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Sechelt Office Space for Rent

Office Space for RENT. Discover a fantastic 500 sq ft office space for rent in Sechelt, with a fully equipped bathroom and spacious balcony. Located on the second floor of a busy commercial building on Wharf Avenue, offering lots of parking.

ABOUT: Two large rooms are filled with natural light, making it a perfect and inspiring workspace for your team and clients. The rent is $980/month + hydro + GST, and it's available starting September 1, 2023.

References are required for a smooth leasing process. Don't miss this chance—book a viewing and secure your ideal Sechelt office space today on the Sunshine Coast BC Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

For inquiries please email:

#officeforrent #sechelt #sunshinecoastbc #sunshinecoast

✅ Coast Your VOTE

✅ Coast Your VOTE for Four Ever Glow Painting πŸ† Favourite Painting Company 'People's Choice Awards' Nominee. Sunshine Coast BC Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ Voting Ends August 17, 2023 at

Four Ever Glow Painting - Your Local Sunshine Coast BC Painter: Langdale to Garden Bay

MORE INFO Sunshine Coast Business Recovery Centre at

TAGS #CoastyourVote #sunshinecoastpeopleschoiceawards #sunshinecoast #painter #scpca2023 #KeepItLocal #coastlove #sunshinecoastbc #sunshinecoastcanada

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Ninja Turtles Spirit!

TODAY 2pm and 7pm. Show us your Ninja Turtles spirit! Raven's Cry Theatre in Sechelt on Sunshine Coast BC Canada have FREE candy bags or small fountain drinks for the first 10 people who come dressed as their favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles today! Come at 2pm (doors at 1:30) or at 7pm (doors at 6:30) repping your favorite Turtle to get some free goodies!

#teenagemutantninjaturtles #TMNT #sechelt #sunshinecoastbc #movietheatre #sunshinecoastmovies #movies #Ravenscry #sechelt #events #ThingsToDoWithKids #thingstodo #sunshinecoast #summer #summer2023

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Botanical Garden Auction

BID on 49 truly unique auction prizes in the Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden Society ONLINE AUCTION at Ends August 10, 2023 - 11:45pm PDT. Sponsored by Hear on the Coast Hearing Services Inc.

TAGS #auction #botanicalgarden #sechelt #onlineauction #sunshinecoast #britishcolumbia #canada #fundraiser #exploreBC #explorecanada #sunshinecoastcanada #event #sunshinecoastbc #summer #events #thingstodo #summer2023

Indigenous History Tour

FREE Sunday! Spoken Treasures - the History of the Land through Indigenous Eyes - Complimentary History Walk sponsored by Talaysay Tours. JOIN guide and cultural ambassador Candace at 2:30pm in Gibsons on Sunshine Coast BC Canada, Sunday August 6. Meet at Molly's Reach Restaurant. Tour ends 3:45 pm. Includes Indigenous Tea. Email to sign up.

TAGS #spokentreasures #walkingtour #thingstodo #historyoftheland #indigenous #indigenoustourism #indigenoustours #firstnations #gibsons #sunshinecoastcanada #canada #explorecanada #sunshinecoastbc #britishcolumbia #explorebc #travelbc #travelcanada #aboriginal #indegenousculture #history #historywalk #historytour