Sunday, May 15, 2022

Kym Gouchie Duo Celebrating Indigenous History Month

Kym Gouchie - Duo in Concert 7pm June 8, 2022 at High Beam Dreams in Gibsons on Sunshine Coast BC Canada 🇨🇦 Celebrating Indigenous History Month with Kym Gouchie who is fostering change through her music and art. TICKETS Strait Music, Namaste Art, and Eventbrite online at Kym Gouchie Music Youtube Channel ABOUT With ancestral roots in the Lheidli T’enneh, Cree and Secwépemc Nations, KYM GOUCHIE is fostering change through her music and art. Her music brings awareness to First Nations and women’s issues, promoting reconciliation and community building while reminding us that we are all in this together. Her stories are a testament to the human spirit, weaving together threads of her own journey from personal tragedy to triumph. Kym’s traditional hand drum, clean, crisp acoustic guitar and full-bodied voice make her a powerful solo artist. She also performs as a duo, trio and full band, adding in vocal harmonies, keyboard, electric guitar, mandolin, banjo and cello by talented accompanists. Traditional First Nations, folk, and country tones alongside poignant and inspirational lyrics capture the hearts of young and old — her genuine and heartfelt performances have a profound and sometimes emotional impact on their audience. A respected elder-in-training of the Lheidli T’enneh Nation, also known as Prince George, BC, Kym is sought after to perform and speak at traditional welcoming ceremonies, cultural gatherings, schools, and conferences. Kym Gouchie stories are woven together with threads of personal journeys which have taken her from personal tragedy to triumph and a testament to the human spirit. An artist with a social conscience, Kym has become a favorite among the music festival circuit with her debut album ‘Mountain of Youth’ (2014 release at Ellis Avenue Analog Studio) which is emboldened with poignant, uplifting and inspirational lyrics. Her resonating tones of traditional first nations, folk, and country has captured the hearts from young to old and all walks of life. In November 2019 Kym was the recipient of a Stingray Rising Star Award at the Mundial Montreal World Music Conference where she was a showcase artist. As a result of the stellar performance in front of about 100 world music delegates and fellow musicians, Kym was invited to speak and showcase at the International Indigenous Music Summit in New Orleans, Louisiana January 22-26, 2020. Kym was raised among musicians. Inspired by her eclectic background and draws on the sometimes harsh realities of searching for her own identity as an Indigenous woman who was no stranger to adversity. Yet somehow her experiences are translated into lyrics that elevate our hearts. A warrior of the light, Kym’s inspirational music lifts the soul beyond its fettered state along the quest of creating a better world with compassion, understanding and forgiveness, reminding us that we are all in this together. #events #gibsons #sunshinecoastbc #kymgouchie #indigenouswomen #indigenoushistorymonth #canada #britishcolumbia #highbeamdreams #sunshinecoast

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