Sat, Jun 19th, 2010
Gibsons Fire Victims
updates to share:

+ The main goal is to find housing for all. Currently, everyone has temporary housing on the same beachfront as the Wynkin and Coles Marina which burned down, except for one tenant, Heather Miller. (Suzi, Raven, Marcus, Tina, Heather, 2dogs a cat, Marlee and Jen)
- first step is finding space on the beach for Heather.
- second step is finding more permanent Gibsons homes for the entire house.
- until Jennifer White has a permanent home she wont be seeking anymore public donations of household goods or clothes. even though she will need everything eventually, she does not have the storage capacity just now.
- $$$ DONATIONS: The Beauchamp/Miller Fire Victim Trust Fund has been set up at the Sunshine Coast Credit Union for the entire Wynkin Family (Suzi, Raven, Marcus, Tina, Heather, 2dogs a cat, Marlee and Jen)
i am so thankful for what has already been given
opening myself to ask for help
allowing myself to receive
rediscovering the human connection
its a wonderful thing when everything you own
is decided upon by the measure of other peoples generosity
what they deem you worthy of having
my soul is healing through the love of a community
what do i need? everything and nothing
time. time to linger
time to let go. time to breathe
faith that the Wynkin family will not be forgotten.
blessings and gratitude
graceful thanks
All My Relations.
Jennifer White
(and her daughter Marlee)
Personal messages or donations for Jen & Mar can be arranged by:
or mail: 400 Gower Pt Rd
PO Box 1857
Gibsons BC
V0N 1V0
Sunshine Coast Structure Fire
Gibsons BC - Arson investigation results in arrest
2010-06-09 14:03 PDT
Sunshine Coast RCMP have arrested a 13-year-old suspect for arson in relation to the June 4, 2010 large structural fire in Gibsons, BC.
The fire destroyed Coles Marine Diesel Repair at 524 Marine Drive and Wynken Blynken Nod Backpackers Hostel at 530 Marine Drive. Occupants of both buildings have been accounted for.
"Sunshine Coast RCMP were on the scene assisting the Gibsons Volunteer Fire Department during the fire, and I have to commend the fire department for the amazing job the volunteers did in fighting this fire. It was due to their efforts that we only lost the two buildings," said Sergeant Russ Howard, head of the Sunshine Coast RCMP. "We're very fortunate that no one lost their lives in this fire."
Initial information received at the scene was that 2 youths were seen leaving the area of the fire before police and fire department attendance. Subsequent investigation identified two youths, an 11-year-old male and a 13-year-old male, as being responsible for setting of the fire. The two youths had skipped school on June 4, 2010 and were hanging out underneath Coles Marine Diesel.
On June 6, 2010 the 11-year-old male, along with his father, attended the Sunshine Coast RCMP and provided information regarding the setting of the fire.
Further investigation resulted in the arrest of the 13-year-old suspect for arson. He was released to appear in Provincial Court on July 7, 2010 pending approved charges by Crown Counsel for arson.
facebook Comments on my arson news story:
Rosalind Hansen
Oh no, arson? That's really upsetting :(
Duane Burnett
I am sure the families are all devastated. I hope that the boy can get some help. I don't think it is fair to say he is a bad kid. His actions are the issue here.
Duane Burnett
Jeffrey Paleczny
I had heard that is how it started but nobody wanted to say until it was confirmed. It is unfortunate for all concerned. Hopefully the community will continue to rally to help all affected.
Duane Burnett
I have added new information to my blog link on how to help additional victims coming forward. There are a couple of lists of needs to help the community.
Rob Thomson
whoever and whatever was the cause of the fire, we will soon know. The main thing I got out of this tragedy was that the Sunshine Coast and Gibsons have shown their heart to the world.
There is a lot here! A couple of lists, links, benefits to help fire victims, tons of feedback, comments and photos as the story happened and unfolded. So scroll all the way down. Duane
Over $2600 raised at fundraiser for Gibsons fire victims on Sat, June 5th, 2010 at Molly's Lane in Lower Gibsons Landing!
Donations accepted all month. HELP NEEDED!
Tons of gift basket, clothes & more were also donated; furniture and household goods welcome too!
MORE INFO.... Fundraiser for Gibsons Fire Victims <<<
"Evacuate this shits going to blow!" Jennifer White
Fundraiser for Gibsons Fire Victims
NEED cash & giftcards, free meals in local restaurants right now. Donations can be dropped off at Molly's Lane in Gibsons, British Columbia
"We're all still crying in the ashes...but we do need everything eventually...trying to come out of shock and be ready to receive is so hard..." Jennifer White
You're Watching News Hour Fire Aftermath
Episode Description
Sat, Jun 5 - A woman who lost her home in a Gibsons fire believes an unattended pot of soup may have caused the blaze.
+ Suzanne (Suzie) Senger loses Everything in fire
Raise funds to help out Suzie who has lost everything in a fire to an arsonist
List of things that are needed for fire victims at this time!
Rise from the Ashes - Community call for aid for Fire Victims.
Tessa Rand and Kimmy Karolyn will be helping to coordinate items coming from the Sunshine Coast, and Kelly Ann Woods will be coordinating efforts city side.
A lovely lady, Warrior Jen White, and her daughter Marley, lost everything they had in a house fire yesterday. They made it out, physically sound with not even their shoes on their feet. A faulty transformer may have been the cause of the blaze.
Should you feel called, please contribute what you can so we can help this young mama phoenix rise, rebuild her life and feel the support of friends and strangers alike.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead
In a time of catastrophe and uncertainty in the world, here is an opportunity to have a direct effect on the life of another.
Tessa Rand will be helping to coordinate items coming from the Sunshine Coast, Kelly Ann Woods will be coordinating efforts city side.
Please post notes here or send them Tessa or Kelly directly with regards to what you have to contribute.
Anyone with a truck would be greatly appreciated so we can shuttle larger items.
Here is the beginning list of things that are needed at this time:
1. Bedding, sheets, blankets, pillows
2. Nice newer furniture (couch, chair, coffee table, shelves, dressers, lamps)
3. Kitchen stuff (tea kettle, coffee maker, mugs, dishes, glasses, cutlery)
*4. Crystals and medicine for an altar (this is really important to Jen)*
5. Size 8.5 shoes
6. Jackets
7. Artwork
8. Picture frames (lost all of favorite pics in frames but they were backed up on a computer somewhere so that's good)
9. This is big one- a laptop in any condition (She lost her laptop with the story she has been writing for 10 yrs on it)
10. Mattresses one for her and one for her daughter
11. Stuff for her daughter's room
12. Area rugs for her daughter to play on
*13. Blank Journals to write in ( she is a journaler and lost alllll her journals!)*
14. Sexy clothing and jewelry to make her feel better!!
15. CDs and a means to play them.
Even if you don't know Jen, please feel free to help if it feels right to you. We really are all One.
Friday June 4, Roberts Creek Community Elementary School (CCES) grade 7 student Raven Wall and his mother Suzanne Senger, lost their home and all their belongings to a fire that spread from a neighbouring business. Their home, which contained 3 rental units, was also the main source of income for them. Insurance will eventually cover some of their material loses, but they will still be in need of additional resources in order to start over and rebuild their lives. Donations of material goods and especially funds or gift certificates, would be a great help to them right now. Donations can be brought to the boxes located outside the schools office door - a large donation box for material goods, and the locked, wall mounted PAC drop box for cash, cheques, and gift certificates. Cheques should be made out to Suzanne Senger. If donations are brought in by younger children, instruct them to give it to their teacher. Alternatively, you can mail a cheque or gift certificate made out to Suzanne Senger, and send it to Laurie Bloom, 1743 Tyson Rd, Sechelt BC,V0N3A1. If you would like items that aren’t needed or are duplicates returned, be sure and bag them and label them with your name and number and you will be contacted the last week of school, when arrangements will be made for their return to you. If unneeded items are not labelled they will be donated to a local charity. If you have any additional questions, please contact Laurie Bloom at 740-0381.
Wish list for new or gently used material donations for Raven –
-Clothing for Raven, everything needed except shoes (13 yrs old, approx 5’5”, 100 pds., slim, YXL or mans small)
-School supplies (backpack, binders, paper, markers, coloured pencils, ruler, pencil case, erasers, pens and pencils, anything else you can think of)
-Sports equipment (skateboard, soccer ball and shin guards, basketball)
-Books for early teens
-Art supplies
-Bass guitar
Suggestions for monetary donations –
-Cheques (made out to Suzanne Senger)
-Gift certificates (stores selling clothing for teens or women, sports equipment, household items, groceries)
Fire at Cole's Marine Gibsons, aka Hill's Machine Shop
Christina Foster
Fundraiser for Gibsons Fire Victims, Gibsons, British Columbia.
Thank you Sunshine Coast. With all of your support we were able to raise $2,600 as well as countless donations, clothes, hand made quilts, pillows, furniture the list goes on. A very special thank you to all the musicians that came out to play you guys rocked! As well as thank you to many of the local businesses that donated to these victims. Its... See More so wonderful to see the community pull together in time of need, my eyes have been watery all day! There is so much love and compassion on the coast..this is the best place on earth. Love and Hugs to everyone :) We are still accepting donations so if you couldn't make it down today you can come down anytime and donate what you can.
Jeffrey Paleczny >>
Just posted by Jeffrey explaining details of who we need to help: 4 adults and two children (13 yr old boy and 2 year old girl) Only have clothes on their back and Susan got a small handful of partially burnt and wet pictures. They found shelter for tonight but all will be looking for home to live ASAP
The Wynken Blynken Nod is also totaled. This includes Susan and her sons house, Markus cabin still stands but is water damaged. Jennifer and her daughter home totaled and Heathers place upstairs is also totaled. Nobody was injured. I spent some time with Susan, her son and Markus and they are okay but devastated and in shock over losing everything in the fire as well as the WBN. 4 adults and two children (13 yr old boy and 2 year old girl need some help from the community. Cole Marina is totaled and I believe the condos next door are also have some serious damage.
Coles Marina in Lower Gibsons reported to be on fire right now. "The road is closed off and there are concerns about gas explosion" Reported on twitter by Pete MacIntosh. Anyone have more details? Duane

Cheryl McNevin Baron
I think they had some already. Probably compressed gas tanks. My Mom was on the phone with me and all I could hear her say was, "oh my god, oh my god". Huge fireballs. Hope everyone is out of the hostel.
Duane Burnett
anyone have a photo to upload? upload it here. Thanks Duane
Gibsons Fire Chief Bob Stevens just told me
"Coles is completely destroyed and the neighbouring house is involved as well. We have all of our apparatus on scene and have got Roberts Creek assisting us as well." Bob
Cheryl McNevin Baron
"Andrew told me that Wynken, Blynken and the house next door are gone. He took some cell phone pics. I think Duane is uploading the."
Terra Daniels
I was told by a friend that walked by it that 3 of the townhouses were destroyed also
Christina Foster
Omg duane my heart is breaking coles marina the hostel houses beside them are gone a young couple jen and marcus with a young baby lost their house we are doing fundraisers tomorrow at Molly's Lane for this young couple so peter and I are gonna work on it and I will send u info I will keep u updated or call me at shop I'm here till 830
Shannon Kewley
Duane.... the Air Activity from the North Shore heading to Gibsons I assume is big. 3 choppers ( RCMP AND MEDI) flew over the Bay area about 1\2 hour ago. People in the Bay say BC Ferries rumour is another shut down to Gibsons unless you are a resident. That is a local Bay rumour so........
Coles marina & hostel beside gone. Young couple Jen & Marcus with baby lost house. Fundraiser tomorrow Molly's Lane TBA
Anne-Marie Dumaresq
I'm off of North Rd, just below Reed... Our power went out (??) for a minute just about the time we saw the thick, black smoke. I can really smell it now.
Cheryl McNevin Baron
My son Andrew went down. He says the explosion was the transformer. Says GVFD is right on top of everything.
Duane Burnett
thanks everyone for your immediate updates on this. I understand a fundraiser is in the works to help people out in the fire at Molly's Lane tomorrow. TBA , Thanks Shannon for the info on the ferry breaking down. and all the helicopters.
PinkSafire BlackDiamond
Is that smoke toxic?? I've had my windows open b/c I couldn't smell anything til a few minutes ago and now I'm getting a headache and sore throat. :P
Cheryl McNevin Baron
Of course it's toxic. It's years and years of oil and diesel soaked everything.
Shelley Patrick
Please post how old the baby is so I can drop appropriate stuff of when needed
Hammy McClymont
"Liz just told me that Cole's and Winken Blinken are gone"

Fundraiser for fire victims!
Sat, June 5 starting at 2pm Molly's Lane, Gibsons
Christine Moore
Thats incredible that people are already planning a fundraiser for this family!That`s why we love Gibsons and the people that live here !!!
John Miracle commented on your note "Coles Marina Burns Down in Gibsons":
"great to see all the community support.. others could take lessons!! "
Christina Foster commented on your note "Coles Marina Burns Down in Gibsons":
"Please come on down to Mollys Lane tomorrow and lets raise money for the fire victims of Lower Gibsons"
Zoe Barbaro
I was across the street it was REALLY scary! Hope everyone is ok and I have some baby clothes and a bassinet for anyone who needs them!!!!
Christina Foster
Zoe: Everyone is ok we are doing a fundraiser down at Mollys Lane tomorrow starting at 2 if you can come down and help out or donate in any way. Thank you for your love and support!
Christina Foster
A young family with a baby have lost their home..
Shannon Kewley
I hope to see it on the 6 pm news..... a news chopper just flew over Horseshoe Bay twards you guys..... good job gibsons in showing the Love for these people so fast!!!!
6:01pm CKNW Radio: Gibsons Fire
Three buildings have been destroyed by a huge fire on the Gibsons waterfront. The Coles Marine Ways went up in flames at around 4:30 this afternoon. There are no reports of injuries.
Karen Bruce Webb
"Marina and the hostel are history. Wow! Our fire dept got in there fast and took hold of it. Creek dept helped too. Awesome pulling together and team work."
Bradley Bobst
"That is so sad."
Susan Davidson
"sad times !"
Anne-Marie Dumaresq
Duane, I just left a post on Jack FM Vancouver's wall, encouraging any musicians to come over tomorrow... Don't know if it'll help at all, but worth a try.
$249. RAISED! The audience at tonight's Gibsons' Gold : A Musical Comedy raised $249. for the family who lost their home when Coles Marina burnt down today. The cast and crew of Gibsons Gold will present the $249. at the Fundraiser for Fire Victims. 2pm, Sat, June 5th, in Molly's Lane, Lower Gibsons, British Columbia. T...he fire fundraiser was spearheaded by Peter Beauchamp and Christina Foster of Darkhorse Athletics. All are invited to please help out!
Christina Foster
Thank you Duane. you're right what an amazing community we have that is so full of love and compassion especially in times like these..
Trish Thompson
Jen and Marlee live in the basement of Winkin and blinkin or did, I sure hope they got out safe and sound
poor Sue too that is her building and it was such a beautiful heritage building.... how sad
Christina Foster
You can come down to Mollys Lane anytime and donate money..we have donation jars at each till. Tomorrow we are open 10-830 and we are open 10-5 next week
Allen Snowdon
Good Heavens...I was just photographing the building recently...
Chelsea Sleep
was anyone hurt? I saw an ambulance but didn't want to speculate.
Christina Foster
As far as I know Chelsea no one was injured thank goodness!
David Barbarash shares news link:
Gibsons fire claims repair shop, hostel
Read more:
A fire has destroyed two buildings on the waterfront of Gibsons, B.C.
The fire started at about 3:30 p.m. PT Friday in the 500-Block of Marine Drive, a few hundred metres from the town center.
Witnesses said the building that housed Coles Marine Diesel Repair Ltd. and a neighbouring tourist hostel had burned down.
There were no injuries.
The owner of the Wynken Blynken Nod Backpackers Hostel, Suzanne Senger, said she had just recently closed the business.
"Thank God," said Senger. "If I'd been full of hostelers right now that could have been a serious tragedy."
A huge plume of smoke from the fire could be seen kilometres away.
Traffic along the main route to the Langdale ferry terminal was being diverted around the fire scene.
Gibson's is best known as the location for the 1970s CBC TV series The Beachcombers. The restaurant often featured in the series, Molly's Reach, still operates and sits several hundred metres away from the scene of the fire.
Gibsons is on B.C.'s Sunshine Coast, about 30 kilometres northwest of Vancouver, and is accessible only by ferry.
Karen Bruce Webb
Marina and the hostel are history. Wow! Our fire dept got in there fast and took hold of it. Creek dept helped too. Awesome pulling together and team work.
Cheryl McNevin Baron
Biggest fire since the high school. Andrew took some pretty good pics Karen. Check them out.
CTV British Columbia - Blaze destroys historic building in Gibsons, B.C. - CTV News: By:
Date: Friday Jun. 4, 2010 7:29 PM PT
The Coles Marine Ways on the waterfront in Gibsons, B.C., was completely gutted in a large fire Friday afternoon.
According to staff at the Gibsons Marina, two houses adjacent to the large building were also caught up in the blaze.
The building also contained a welding and machine shop. Witnesses told CTV News that they saw someone being rushed to hospital.
Community gathers in wake of Gibsons fire
Date: Sunday Jun. 6, 2010 12:06 PM PT
The Sunshine Coast town of Gibsons is rallying together after a spectacular fire destroyed two iconic waterfront buildings on Friday afternoon.
MORE PHOTOS courtesy Chelsea Sleep
Chelsea Sleep: Farewell Cole's Marine Shop and Winken Blinken and Nod Hostel Today there was a bad fire in Gibsons which claimed twos Heritage buildings on the waterfront in Lower Gibsons. By Chelsea Sleep.

Coles Marina Burns Down in Gibsons
Shiloh Gregorchuk
When people ask why I never moved away from here this is one of the main reasons I tell them. The people in this town are phenomenal when others are in trouble.
Lynette Legault
Duane, Im at work tomorrow so I cant attend but can you please let them know that there is a $200 gift certificate from Loumidees Consignment Clothing so that the mother and her kid(s)of Winkin Blinken can get new clothing. I am a true Gibsonite and I know people would do the same for me and my family:) OPEN AT 10
Duane Burnett
That is fabulous Lynette! Thank you to you and Loumidees Consignment Clothing. The family will truly appreciate that $200 gift certificate!
Anne-Marie Dumaresq
Duane and Christina, you are both fabulous, caring, valued members of the community.
Anne-Marie Dumaresq
That got posted before I had intended it to, but I guess I just wanted to add, that it's people like you, who make me so proud of Gibsons and the Coast. :)
You both deserve lots of recognition and really big ((((HUGS))))
Lynette Legault
38 years on the Coast and we all stick together:)Hugs
Christina Foster
Thank you Lynette..this is why I love living on the Sunshine Coast..that is so thoughtful of you..greatly appreciated. That is so kind Anne- Marie..its feels wonderful to be a part of this wonderful supporting community.
PHOTOS in The Province Newspaper
Photos: Fire destroys 3 buildings on Gibsons waterfront:

Melodie Pierre
Today my b/f said he read your msg about the fire in Gibsons and my sister says "who's Duane Burnett?" I said to her "omg you don't know Duane Burnett, he has so much cool info posted on his profile, I thought everybody has him on their friend list" :) Was telling my sis you are the greatest person who networks up-to-d...ate info about the Peninsula ;)
Jeffrey Paleczny
Duane Burnett
I am adding all this info to my blog Jeffrey and to the event page so we have a record of what they need just not on fb. Thanks so much! A HUGE help! HUGS
Theresa De Boer
I have alot of 2 year old girls clothes , that i would love to give. I am in vancouver today but is there any where I can take them when I get back.
Peter Beauchamp
Teresa thanks so much when you are back you can drop them off at Beauchamp's in Molly's Lane Market and we will make sure they get to the families.
Thanks so much Peter Beauchamp
Shelley Patrick
Just a note that one of the Gals who's place burnt down is out of town so lets not forget about her!
Christina Foster
Thank you for letting us know Shelley! We will for sure help her out :) The donations that have been rolling on are incredible we are so lucky to live in such a loving supporting community.
Kim Kerr Fenton
Unwind Knit and Fibre Lounge can donate gift cert's and product for silent auction items, let me know what you need, I can also be a drop of point for items if that helps. whatever you think i can do.
Carole Carlton
If there is going to be an auction you are welcome to sell a gift certificate for Carole Cares Mobile Massage (value $100)
Duane Burnett
Amazing! Thank you everyone!
Leonard Howell
Good doings Duane! Keep it up!
Duane Burnett
Global TV just showed up for the Gibsons Fire Victim Fundraiser! Thanks Global BC
Dave Cottrell
Hi Duane, Great job on the blog and great work on getting the fundraiser going so quickly. I hope that is going well. Rough stuff for the families. Dave

Fundraiser for Gibsons Fire Victims
Gibsons London Drugs donates various items of diapers, food, bottles etc and our mentioning the fundraiser around the store! Thank London Drugs!!!!
$269. donated by audience at last nights Gibsons' Gold : A Musical Comedy was presented by some cast & crew including Director, Linda Norris; Rev. Terri Scallon (Gibsons United), Rodney Bassette from 1 Stop Contracting, Singer Gaetan Bergevin, Mary Lou Owen and others.
Over $2,000 raised at Fundraiser for Gibsons Fire Victims so far today! Way to go Gibsons and the Sunshine Coast!
Peter Beauchamp Owner of Molly's Lane in Gibsons, British Columbia tells me the response has been tremendous today. He started out with an interview with Global TV and said tons of gift baskets and clothes have been brought to the Fundraiser for Gibsons Fire Victims kick off event today, including a handmade baby quilt. Arrangements are now being made for furniture and housewares to be dropped off.
HURRAY! We just topped $2,500. at today's kick off fundraiser. Donations will be accepted all month!
Listening to the amazing Verna Chan quartette at the Wild Bistro. Another sold out laughs a minute nite at Gibsons' Gold : A Musical Comedy. The wonderful audience raised $226. for the Fundraiser for Gibsons Fire Victims. Last night they raised $269. Today in Molly's Lane $2600. was raised by the amazing Sunshine Coast... for the family in Gibsons, British Columbia.
My thoughts are with everyone in Lower Gibsons affected by this fire! Duane
Duane Burnett
PHOTOS courtesy Andrew Baron & Dave Cottrell
(many thanks Andrew, Cheryl, Dave and community)
story (C) Duane Burnett
Add Duane as a friend on facebook... he is hubbing the Sunshine Coast and beyond!
JOIN the Sunshine Coast BC Canada fan page on facebook! News, Events, Photos!!!