Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Just Yell Fire Course Empowering

Rachelle Gardner tells us how empowered she feels from taking the "Just Yell Fire" woman's martial arts self defense one day workshop.


Rachelle won the Just Yell Fire facebook contest in July offered by Duane Burnett and Buck Fever in Gibsons, BC.

It was the first time the course had ever been offered in Canada.

24july2010duaneburnett (18)

Buck Fever offers a variety of hunting, fishing and camping supplies as well as numerous courses and certificates.

"Just Yell Fire!" Winner is Rachelle Gardner. CONGRATS and Best Wishes from Duane Burnett & Khristina LeMarchant of Buck Fever in Gibsons, British Columbia. This is the first time this acclaimed course is offered in Canada! A $100 value.

Rachelle writes:

Hello Duane

Thank you for sending me to this workshop. I will tell you this, every woman in Canada needs to take this course!

I learned as a woman that I HAVE THE RIGHT… to some very important gifts to myself when dating or in a relationships. I learned to empower myself to be able to be anywhere and not be in fear, I learned to feel strength from JUST YELL FIRE that I thought physically I could not defend myself, I have the tools to protect myself in any situation within a 5 foot radius!

I have now taken on the message to share with other woman across the Sunshine Coast, BC that this workshop will not only save your life , it really empowers you to move with grace with no fear and doubt. My Sunshine Coast is proud and excited to host some future workshops with JUST YELL FIRE to save & empower 1000’s of woman across Canada.

We are working on a date to host a one day retreat in October with JUST YELL FIRE. This workshop has shifted me as a woman and a mother to empower others to feel the strengths and rights of myself.

Thank you Duane.

Rachelle Gardner, Destination Designer
My Sunshine Coast, 604-740-0237 or
Your destination for Weddings/Events, Vacations, Retreats

I was delighted when Buck Fever contacted me to run a contest for the Just Yell Fire program, and am really grateful to Rachelle for sharing with us her experience.

The VISION of the Just Yell Fire course is that...

A girl can go to the mall...without fear;
a girl can go to a party...without risk;
and a girl can just walk home....without dying.
That's the world we're creating with "JUST YELL FIRE".

"It's about fighting back"
Good Morning America

"Necessary Roughness"
The Oregonian

For females only, the "Just Yell Fire" course is being offered by BUCK FEVER for the first time in Canada. The course is designed for females ages 11 and up. "Just Yell Fire" teaches females to fight back against predators. "Just Yell Fire" has been empowering females since 2006 over 47 countries and one million females.

Teaching get away skills, the rights to say no, with your help we can eliminate sexual assault and abduction in this generation. Over four million sex offenders are roaming our streets everyday in North America.

Just Yell Fire has been featured on:
-Today Show
- People Magazine
- Fox & Friends
- Caring Magazine
- New Morning Show
- Taught in School Lessons at MIT

Unlike the sporting martial arts disciplines that are taught over a long term time period, this course develops your skills to defend and protect yourself over a ONE day course.

If you are interested in the course contact Rachelle Gardner at 604-740-0237 about her special ladies workshop retreats or Buck Fever at 604-886-6700.

Thank you so much for all your kind comments, feedback and reading my blog. In July over 6,600 popped by my blogspot to have a read. I am truly grateful. Got a story or a news tip? Let me know :-)) Best Wishes, Duane

Buck Fever Facebook Fan Page

WIN a "Just Yell Fire" facebook contest page

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Straight With Gay Pride?

25july2010duaneburnett (360)

GO For Pride & Tolerance.
Straight people with HUGE Gay Pride? It's OK!
More people of all walks of life reject intolerance & actively join Pride celebrations. Look at any Pride Parade and its full of children, families, grandparent and friends celebrating along side with gay, lesbian, bi and transgendered (GLBT) people.

Everyone seems to be on the Pride wagon, with some "straight" people demonstrating more pride then GLBT people themselves. What happened?

It was time to ask some local people on what all this Straight Pride was? I asked our local MLA Nicholas Simons, Powell River - Sunshine Coast; Kera Mchugh, owner of the Wild Bistro in Gibsons; Stevo Knauff, President of the Sunshine Coast Labour Council; and life long resident and Mom, Christine Moore about Pride and Tolerance.

Why Pride and why tolerance?

Gibsons and Sechelt, BC proclaimed the 2nd weekend of August as an official pride celebration on the Sunshine Coast and the community itself has embraced many outstanding GLBT leaders in politics, media, arts, business, sports and more.

Seems to be that people have realized that people are people and Love is Love. If God created gay people, why on earth would She have created them to be hated, if all that God made is good, as Dr. Wayne Dyer often points out?

Seems some people "say" we are all family, but act as though some are more family then others. They always need a scapegoat to rally the troops.

Its changing though. The two thousand years of dark ages for women and GLBT people is waning and they have been regaining their rightful place in the Spirit of humanity, not to be treated poorly, but embraced and celebrated.

How do we know? A Pink Shirt Day Anti-Bullying Sunshine Coast, BC facebook page for example has over 600 people who clicked "attending" and almost 400 "maybe attending". That's almost 1,000 people on the coast who have stood together for tolerance and acceptance.

Pink Shirt Day Anti-Bullying Sunshine Coast, BC

The psychiatrist I saw back in my early 20's, once explained sexual orientation to me as a wheel and not a line, that settles out in different spokes of the wheel for some, that it is not as black and white as it seems, and anyone having major issues with someone's sexual orientation, are really revealing they have them with themselves.

21july2010duaneburnett (176)

How can you really blame them for being angry with themselves and others when so much hate is drilled into their heads from an early age by homophobes and doctrine.

Reminds me of the scene in the movie Brokeback Mountain where the young boy sees the Gay Cowboy tortured to death for living with his boyfriend, then internalizes that fear and hatred towards his own sexual orientation. The tagline for that movie? "Love Is A Force Of Nature." The movie starring Heather Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal, is based on the 'E. Annie Proulx' story about a forbidden and secretive relationship between two cowboys and their lives over the years.

More and more people have said enough is enough and actively join in and get involved in Pride: straight, bi, gay, lesbian and transgendered. We are all family.

Locally, there is a Dance and a Family Picnic organized for Sunshine Coast Pride Weekend the 2nd weekend of August that everyone is invited to. Its an inclusive event. The Vancouver Pride celebrations are the 1st weekend of August, the city is about a 40 min ferry cruise to Langdale and Gibsons on the Sunshine Coast, BC Canada.

Last year I attended a "Rainbow" celebration for Pride Weekend at the Wild Bistro in Gibsons, BC to take photos for one of our local newspapers. Low and behold, it was mainly straight people who came out to celebrate Pride and the photo I took which was printed in the newspaper got a scathing Letter to the Editor for having Straight people in it for a gay event.

Got me to thinking about how many straight people actively seek out and love Pride and their gay, lesbian, bi, transgendered friends, and I thought to myself, with a chuckle, wait a minute, some of them are more Gay Pride then gay people!

I asked Nicholas Simons, MLA for Powell River - Sunshine Coast why Pride has become so mainstream popular? He says "Giving people a time and place to demonstrate their support for the GLTB community - and to have a good time while they're at it - is the best thing about Pride. There's something for everyone, young, old, straight, queer... Tolerance is ok, but appreciation, respect and affection is way better."

Kera Mchugh, who owned Wild Bistro with her husband Ian Backs, says tolerance is important because "we are all one on this big-ass planet, and if i am intolerant of my neighbour - who demonstrates that they are a good person, upstanding in the community, responsible, kind, thoughtful, etc - simply because they choose to love differently than me, then the whole world is in a heap of trouble."

"It's none of my business who my neighbour wants to share their life with, and none of theirs about me..." Kera sais, "what SHOULD matter is whether or not we each can be counted on in times of need, express concern for the world we live in, contribute to the greater good, and make our communities safe, welcoming, inclusive places to live & work."

Kera feels "Pride is as important as Italian day, Caribbean festival, Earth Day, Black History Month, or any of the other "differences" we celebrate as a community. We should each be allowed to share our colours with our neighbours, without fear and without shame. It's not rocket science... it's humanity at its core."

Kera reflects a genuine and widely felt sentiment in the larger community of the Sunshine Coast, Vancouver and Canada. It is embraced more and more by high school students who recently started straight-gay alliances to help ensure a positive safe nurturing learning environment for GLBT youth who are marginalized, bullied and yes, murdered, tortured and sentenced to death still in many parts of the world.

The fear of fearing for your gay child's life is very taxing on the parents, unless of course, the parent rejects a homosexual child and abandons it, especially over doctrine. Even more devastating for the child.

Christine Moore is a Mother who grew up on the Sunshine Coast and she has seen a lot of changes here. She has raised two girls and a boy with her husband in Gibsons, BC.

I asked Christine why Pride and Tolerance, and she says "I guess for me it`s because of my son Brian! And the freedom to be who you are, and being honest with who you are and most important to yourself!"

"I used to worry about Brian and how people would treat him, but he was able to look after himself! (most of the time!). I would not want him to pretend to be someone he`s not and be unhappy!"

"It`s like John F. Kennedy said 'change the things we can and except the things we can`t change.' Some people are so closed minded!" she said.

Christine adds "They are afraid of what they don`t know! (ignorant) and they most likely don`t know the meaning! I always remind myself - (that old bible quote ) 'Do not judge unless you want to be judged yourself!'"

The fear Christine has for the safety of her gay child is quite common, but basically stems from hatred fostered in the name of God Himself. This often causes severe depression, drug and alcohol abuse, bullying, and robs communities of how much GLBT members have offered for thousands of years and will continue to do so in the future.

Look at the premiere tourism web portal of the Sunshine Coast run by Webmaster extraordinaire Laurie McConnell, a mom, business women, and she has a wonderful girlfriend. Her incredibly comprehensive tourism website brings huge amounts of dollars to the Sunshine Coast who is blessed by her creativity and brilliance. We should be so grateful and celebrate how she makes our community a better place for everyone. She even has a GLBT friendly accommodations section on her website visited by tens of thousands everyone month.

22july2010duaneburnett (108)

Recently the Georgia Straight Magazine in Vancouver, BC published a Pride themed edition for Vancouver Pride, held the BC Day August Long Weekend. One article is about how rural BC is embracing Pride and changing its basic values and understanding of people who are GLBT in a positive way as more of them "come" out in their community. Another article is about the Sunshine Coast being a Gay friendly tourist destination, based on the positive nurturing community support for its GLBT members and leaders.

Gay folks rise up across B.C. for Pride festivities
By Carlito Pablo

Sunshine Coast offers gay-friendly small-town getaways
By Charlie Smith

I would encourage everyone to join their Gay, Lesbian, Bi, and Transgendered friends in celebrating Pride together.

Stevo Knauff, President of the Sunshine Coast Labour Council said, "Why does anyone have a problem with how people love each other? We should all be happy and proud that our country recognizes love in all its forms. We all have the right to be in love , and to experience love , it is no-ones business but our owns... certainly not the Governments. Love one another...right now....Happy Pride!"

A couple thousand years ago, GLBT and Women were often the centre of Spiritual reverence in a community and celebrated. In the last 2 thousand years they were murdered and tortured.

In 2010, many local communities, churches and religions are moving towards the third millennium and have become actively GLBT positive, but there is still hatred and ignorance out there, so below, with all due respect, I copied and pasted a humorous, poignant, yet sad statement on how some people pick and choose doctrines to promote intolerance and hate, entitled "Why can't I own a Canadian?"

First some comments on the article from facebook:

Ross Hastings
In my experience, some of my gay friends are more willing to tolerate homophobia because they're not announcing something they're not willing to make public yet by making a stand. When straight dudes stand up for our gay buddies, we're not ...putting anything personal on the line (except the opinions of a few hilbilly rednecks we could care less about) so it's a bit easier for us... that might be why straight people sometimes have more "pride" than our gay brothers. We're risking less. It took me a long time to understand that, and some of the people I love most in the world still live in secret because they feel it still isn't safe for them to be honest, and who can really blame them...?

David Williams
I sense alot of hostility in a article thats all about peace and love ;)

Kirk Gardner
We all need support sometimes....

Stevo Knauff
great article ya brutha

Laurie McConnell
Duane - what a beautiful story. I love how in depth it is, how personal and yet so broad, with input from so many people representing business, government, family and glbt people. Beautiful writing. Can I repost it with my story about pride up in the magazine?

Why can't I own a Canadian?
In her radio show, Dr Laura Schlesinger said that, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22, and cannot be condoned under any circumstance.

The following response is an open letter to Dr. Laura, written by a US man, and posted on the Internet. It's funny, as well as informative:

Dear Dr. Laura:

Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination ... End of

I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some other elements of God's Laws and how to follow them.

1. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?

2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?

3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of Menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15: 19-24. The problem is how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.

4. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?

5. I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should I ask the police to do it?

6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination, Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? Are there 'degrees' of abomination?

7. Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle-room here?

8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?

9. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?

10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev.19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? Lev.24:10-16.

Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair, like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14) I know you have studied these things extensively and thus enjoy considerable expertise in such matters, so I'm confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.

Your adoring fan.
James M. Kauffman, Ed.D. Professor Emeritus,
Dept. Of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education
University of Virginia
PS (It would be a damn shame if we couldn't own a Canadian)

My thanks to MLA Nicholas Simons, business women Kera Mchugh, labour leader Stevo Knauff, and Mom, Christine Moore for their invaluable contributions to this article "Straight With Gay Pride". Best Wishes, Duane Burnett


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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Forest Fire Air Quality & Your Health


Your Health and Air Quality?
Notice how hazy it is over the Sunshine Coast right now? With Air Quality Advisories for forest fires on the East Coast of Vancouver Island plus the Sea to Sky Corridor, it's important to ensure our seniors, youth, pets & family are protected.

Air Quality

Forest Fire Danger

The Howe Sound Corridor and the Strait of Georgia act like funnels and cauldrons to swirl our air and winds around. There are no borders here. This underlies why a clean healthy planet is so important to all of us and the future.

Helpful Health Tips:

Avoid strenuous outdoor activities. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, contact your health care provider: difficulty in breathing, chest pain or discomfort, and sudden onset of cough or irritation of airways.

Tribute to Emergency Services for BC Day.

Exposure is particularly a concern for infants, the elderly and those who have underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, and lung or heart disease. People with heart or lung conditions should reduce their levels of activity while air quality is poor. These individuals should watch for worsening of their symptoms.

If this happens, they should reduce their exposure to the smoke and contact their health care provider, walk-in clinic or emergency department for advice.

To speak to someone immediately about your health concerns, contact HealthLink BC, available toll free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 8-1-1, or via the web at: Forecast weather conditions over the next few days are expected to reduce smoke concentrations to safer levels.

Satellite image of fires on BC mainland and smoke tracking to... on Twitpic
Don Power posted this satellite image of the smoke over our area.

Tips to reduce your personal health risk:

• People with heart or lung conditions may be more sensitive to the effects of smoke and should watch for any change in symptoms that may be due to smoke exposure. If any symptoms are noted, affected individuals should take steps to reduce their exposure to smoke and if necessary see their physician. People with symptoms should go to their health care provider, walk in clinic or emergency department depending on severity of symptoms.
• Use common sense regarding outdoor physical activity – if your breathing becomes difficult or uncomfortable, stop or reduce the activity.
• Stay cool and drink plenty of fluids.
• Smoke levels may be lower indoors, however levels of smoke particles will still be increased. If you stay indoors, be aware of your symptoms.
• Consider visiting a location like a shopping mall with cooler filtered air. Keep in mind that staying indoors may help you stay cool and provide some relief from the smoke, however many air conditioning systems do not filter the air or improve indoor air quality.
• Reduce indoor pollution sources such as smoking or burning other materials.
• You may be able to reduce your exposure to smoke by moving to cleaner air. Conditions can vary dramatically by area and elevation.
• Residents with asthma or other chronic illness should activate their asthma or personal care plan.
• Pay attention to local air quality reports, air quality may be poor even though smoke may not be visible.
• Commercially available HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filters can further reduce poor indoor air quality near the device.
• Maintaining good overall health is a good way to prevent health effects resulting from short-term exposure to air pollution.
• For general information about smoke and your health, contact HealthLink BC available toll free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 8-1-1, or via the web at:
• Real-time air quality information in B.C. is available at

Food safety and water quality tips:

• During a forest fire, it's also important to be aware of health risks associated with food
safety in power outages and water quality.
• Interior Health's website contains helpful information and other resources related to forest
fire smoke exposure / air quality, as well as food safety when the power is out and ensuring
your drinking water is safe.
• Visit, click on the Health & Safety tab at the top of the page, then follow the links for Emergency Information > Forest Fires.

Many thanks to the Government of British Columbia for having this information ready to share. Duane


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Sechelt Arts Festival Success


The Sechelt Festival of the Arts over the BC Day long weekend, wrapped up for another year on the Sunshine Coast, BC. The annual event was held July 30th - August 7th 2010, and celebrates all forms of art at many locations in Sechelt.

Organizer, Elaine Tweats Hunter writes:

We celebrated the culture on the coast wonderfully this weekend, what a great success this festival was. Hundreds of participants in free workshops, a steady flow of visitors and locals enjoyed the entertainment in Hackett Park , Rockwood Gardens and the Festival Pavilion .

Elaine's "Sechelt Festival of the Arts" PHOTOS

Allison Crowe sang for an appreciative audience in the SCAC and we are so blessed to have been able to enjoy her extraordinary talent.

Deanna Cartea, Maureen Bodie , Katherine Hume entertained at the opening receptions for hundreds of people.

Steve Wright, Skye Wallace and Deanna Cartea sang in the festival Pavilion while young entertainers were on stage in Hackett Park, MCD, Charlotte, Connor , Maya and Esme, Katherine Rowlands gave their all to the crowds. JP Makosso, Gerardo, Story Theatre, The Cornpones, Korean Drum team were highlites at Hackett Park

The chalk art competition was a huge success with 50 chalk drawings in the sidewalk on Cowrie st. Families created together while visitors form the US created their art with the US and Canadian flag as the central theme.

The Cornpones provided music to dance and listen to while the chalk drawings were created. Thanks to Gerardo and Liz Freund for their fun during the chalk art competition, Plaques were well received as prizes at 4 pm.

Carnival Era closed the entertainment with a magical celebration party and BBQ in the Rockwood gardens.

Sechelt Nations provided an opening and closing ceremony with their ambassadors Xwamstut on the Pier at Tory Gate They made drums, demonstrated weaving, carving, beading and painted faces artistically in Hackettt Park. Visual arts will be on display in the Seaside centre and SCAC until Aug 7th

The festival was a huge success and enjoyed by thousands.

Sechelt Festival of the Arts

Facebook Fan Page


Elaine's "Sechelt Festival of the Arts" PHOTOS

Elaine's Blog

It's Always A Good Day on the Sunshine Coast!

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Habitat Hoedown Raises $7,000

31july2010duaneburnett (94)

Billy Hillpickers Bring it On for Habitat

The toe-tapping tunes of the Billy Hillpickers and an abundant Southwestern BBQ served up by Chef Spencer Watts drew a colorful and enthusiastic crowd to the Gibsons’ bluff last Saturday night. The first annual “Habitat Hoedown” was indeed a fundraiser to remember with a sell-out crowd representing some of the Coast’s most passionate community supporters.

31july2010duaneburnett (77)

Habitat Chair Gwen Hawkins and husband Ed sported fetching smiles and dusted off their cowboy boots to welcome long-standing supporters and new friends. Artist Todd Clark and Carol Marlowe came in the full spirit of the event as Buck and Daisy Mae, winning the prize for best costume. Sandy Cliffe, Gibsons Bottling Depot, and co-worker Angel were also in full Appalachian spirit and the fortunate winners of the Delta Whistler Suites grand prize which included horseback riding, spa services and dinner at Hy’s Whistler.

31july2010duaneburnett (161)

Mayor Barry Janyk’s message of appreciation for Habitat’s commendable efforts toward affordable housing was read by Councilor Wayne Rowe, and special guests from Industrial Alliance were proud to witness overflowing appreciation for their sponsorship. Habitat is looking forward to the completion of the first of seven duplexes by year-end, providing more homes for Sunshine Coast families. “Habitat Hoedown” hosts Ron and Deborah Pepper are extending a whole-hearted thank you to everyone who contributed to the more than $7,000 raised for Habitat families.

Deborah Pepper, Fundraising Chair
Habitat for Humanity Sunshine Coast


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Saturday, July 31, 2010

What's Special About BC?

Forest Fire in Sechelt, BC. The Province. Photo Duane Burnett

The Vancouver Province asked this BC Day Long weekend 2010 "What's your Favourite person, place or thing from B.C.?"

To me this British Columbia provincial holiday is a great time to recognize the men and women on the front lines of emergency services!

e-Street: What's your favourite person, place or thing from B.C.? The Province July 31, 2010
This B.C. Day weekend I celebrate the men and women of our great province in emergency services: the police, fire, ambulance, hospitals, social services, forestry services and search and rescue who give so much of themselves throughout the year. Thank you!

— Duane Burnett, Sechelt

Read more:

Happy BC Day! Duane

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Why Seniors Should Social Media

24july2010duaneburnett (58)

Once you get the hang of the in's and out's of facebook, youtube and twitter, I think most Seniors who are anti-social media will find endless delight. The KEY is family support. Not only does it offer tons of games, videos, music and fun, its a great way to connect with friends and loved ones.

Some of my friends upload photos and video of the grandchildren, and what sweet Grandma isn't going to love seeing Suzy at her first recital almost instantly thanks to the internet and online video.

Others use the internet sites like facebook and twitter with great success for their local businesses.

Sunshine Coast's Best Social Media

I have encountered some community groups in my social media learning curve who scoffed at my offer to do a facebook event page for them. "Why would anyone possibly want an event page on facebook, what's the point?" they exclaimed, the board says "No!" The "board" this person confessed was made up of seniors who had disdain for facebook and social media and saw no purpose for it.

I went and made the facebook event page anyways, and if I remember correctly, over 500+ people clicked attending.

But what to do when the Sunshine Coast, BC is currently over 50% seniors? I think we need to reach out more and help in any way we can to make social media fun for seniors, even if that means me conducting workshops on how to make a facebook profile.

I decided that I had to go to an expert. I talked with Bob D'Arcy who runs the Sechelt Seniors and Gibsons Seniors websites. I asked him about his experience with social media and people 55+.

Bob loves the internet and does website design as well as helping people keep their computers in good technical running order. His websites for seniors on the coast are excellent and informative resources for our community.

Updates and maintenance for your PC

Bob told me straight up that in his experience here on the Sunshine Coast it is problem enough to get Seniors to even look at a website or do email.

He says it all goes back to the family.

Does the family help the senior with getting started? Show them how? Give them perhaps a second hand computer to become familiar with the internet?

Security concerns, whether warranted or not, is the main stumbling block he hears a lot from seniors fearful of all the media hype about facebook stealing your soul.

Bob thought he might make his website accessible for the cell phone set, but discovered many seniors keep their cell phones in the glove compartment for emergency purposes only.

He was happy that things are changing, that his seniors websites are gaining credibility. Bob pulled up some stats for me, which showed there were an average of 350 unique visitors a month in 2009 but in 2010 that number has risen to 400. Good news.

So I asked Bob, what are seniors doing for entertainment and where are they getting their information? "The phone and socializing at the mall" he said.

I teased him that the teens have left the malls, are now on facebook and seniors have taken over the roost and hanging out like mall rats. We both laughed. But you know what, he agreed.

When I look at my friends online, my senior friends, I am amazed at how well they have embraced social media and really enjoy it.

In the article Social Media Minute: Seniors Embrace The Web By Jason Harris, "a new study put out by the American Association of Retired Persons, or AARP, says baby boomers are quite comfortable online, are engaging in sites such as Facebook and love being on their computer."

An article by Mashable called Why Your Grandpa Is on Facebook cites a recent survey by the
American Association of Retired Persons on social media use.
The AARP spent some time last month interviewing 1,360 adults over the phone. The Association found that more than a quarter (27%) of Americans age 50 and older use social networks. Facebook is the most popular — in fact, 23% of all survey respondents said they preferred it to sites such as MySpace (MySpace), LinkedIn (LinkedIn) and Twitter.

When I look at the stats for the Sunshine Coast BC Canada fan page on facebook it shows that my social media networks have an excellent cross section of all ages and in the 45-55 age bracket 15% and 55+ 9%. Compare that to the 13-17 year old at 12%; 18-24 at 24%; 25-24 at 19%; and 35-44 at 18%.

Definitely I think that could be higher for the 55+ group but its understandable considering the resistance I have found from some seniors to social media, especially with all the invasion of privacy doom and gloom over hype in the media.

I think with the encouragement of friends, family and grand kids, more seniors would enjoy the social opportunities of facebook.

The stats and internet use seems to point in that direction. They say more seniors are getting hip with facebook and twitter, and most importantly loving it!

All in the Facebook family: older generations join social networks by CNN states that one of the main reasons is families are scattered around the globe, and social media brings them together.

One of the driving reasons more seniors are loving facebook is that fears over privacy issues are being dealt with as the learning curve of this new online social network matures.

A simple thing is to just not allow the year you are born to be public.

One of the big issues with facebook lately is using your information for directed advertising. Basically what is happening is facebook notices you really love heavy metal rock, so it directs unobtrusive ads more in theme with that. I think that is way better then getting tons of ads wanting you to go to see the opera when it just ain't your thing, but if ACDC is coming to town you know about it right away.

I do realize there are some definite differences on privacy between youth and seniors, but facebook allows you to set these to your liking. For myself, I allow everything to be public, and so does most everyone else.

If you want to look at photos of me swimming in the ocean, a recent play I was in, or behind the scenes of a video shoot I was acting in no problem. I think this is only fair when I ask people to be open with me as I cover their lives and stories as a photo journalist.

I would really like to hear your thoughts on seniors and social media. I think facebook would be an even better place with more of them joining us. The question is how?

Thanks so much for reading my blog and all your comments, feedback, story ideas and support. Best Wishes! Duane Burnett

It's Always A Good Day on the Sunshine Coast!

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Duane's Facebook Fan Page

Sunshine Coast BC Canada facebook FAN PAGE