How many of you are familiar with international best seller and self-help author Louise L. Hay? I have heard great things about Louise for many years so decided to check out a 6 week Intuitive Heart Heal Your Life transformational workshop based on her philosophy.
The first Intuitive Heart study group workshop offered by Sunshine Reiki Healing looked at thoughts and how they effect your life. We discussed how each of us is responsible for our own experiences and how those thoughts we think everyday create our future.
I think we have over 60,000 thoughts running through our minds every day and day after day they are the same thoughts. Its total freedom to learn the skills to still your mind from racing as though you are on a hamster wheel dodging the torment of monotonous thoughts that often tear you down.
Important in any healing is acknowledging that we are all individually dealing with patterns we developed through life that cause resentment, criticism, guilt and self hatred.
Its empowering to know that these are only thoughts, not our true selves, and they can be changed.
The healing process also asks of us to begin letting go of the past, learning forgiveness, and being present NOW in your life, which requires self approval and self acceptance if you are to empower positive changes.
How many of us live in the past and in the future and have no grounding in the present moment? This lack of being now here leaves us no where with our friends, family and self.
Meditation and yoga are great work outs to get grounded in the now, and during the workshop we practiced some meditations and we each drew 2 affirmation cards out of a deck.
My first card read:
Life is
never stuck, stagnant, or stale,
for each moment is ever-new and fresh.
I do
something new -or at least different-
The second affirmation said:
Freedom is my Divine right.
I am free to think wonderful thoughts.
I move beyond past limitations into
freedom. I am now becoming all that
I am created to be.
Both cards gave me some good insight into myself.
I love doing what I do with social media, hosting television shows, and photo journalism. It allows me to be of kind service helping to empower community and raise awareness about our beautiful planet Earth. The enormous diversity of topics keeps its always new and interesting so it fits my attention deficit personality.
I think drawing the affirmation card is encouraging me to continue to reach out even more to the community and be more involved, attending events, exploring and going on adventures with all of you if you would like to invite me along.
After a lifetime of bullying at school and work, the second affirmation reminds me that I can think good thoughts about myself, I don't have to continue to feel so bad about myself, its time to embrace my creativity and just do it. I have lots of ideas and really need support of talented people around me who can execute the vision with their expertise and take me to the next level.
I have always tried to read a bit from a Spiritual book each day and thank the wonderful likes of Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle and Pema Chodron for helping me to develop tools in my life that help me be more present and aware of my life circumstances and thoughts and feelings so they don't rule the roost like a roller coaster ride.
Today I am excited to begin a new book, "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise L. Hay!
Many thanks to the Angel that gave me a copy! Have you read it?
I would love to hear from any of you who have read Louise Hay's books or heard about her. Tell me about your own experiences, thoughts, challenges or breakthroughs.
Topics vary on this six week Intuitive Heart journey, which runs every Thursday at noon for 2 hours, starting January 13th to February 17th. Week one started with Change your thoughts - Change you life. Its followed workshops on Negative Beliefs; Inner Child; Relationships; Health and Wellness; and finally Prosperity/Abundance.
We gathered at Yoga by the Sea for 2 hours in the heart of beautiful Roberts Creek, BC on the Sunshine Coast. The coast is infamous for being a Body Mind Spirit centre where international visitors enjoy quaint bed & breakfast and cottages with amazing outdoor adventures and some of the best healing services anywhere.
The 6 week Intuitive Heart workshop is offered by Elizabeth Candlish, a certified Reiki Master/Teacher who owns Sunshine Reikie Healing Services.
If you are on the Sunshine Coast or would like to enjoy our healing arts practitioners, I have created a facebook community page called "Body Mind & Spirit Sunshine Coast BC Canada" and welcome you to "Like" the page and become a fan.
Today was day One of 6 workshops. I hope to share with you how I do over the next couple months and again would love your comments and insights.
There are still a few spaces available in the workshop for anyone wanting to attend and you can drop in for a topic that peaks your interest. Contact Elizabeth at
UPDATE Jan 17, 2011.
Elizabeth will have a 6hr workshop on February 5th from 10-4.
The cost will be $79.95 incl of taxes, this includes a light lunch, handouts, and various tools and techniques taught at the workshop.
The topics will be Relationships, Forgiveness and Prosperity.
Space is limited to 6 people. She is also available for private functions.
Peace, Love, Joy in every moment! Duane :D
For more details on visiting the Sunshine Coast, British Columbia check out my friends wonderful tourism website
Duane Burnett
Sunshine Coast BC Canada