Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sunshine Coast's Best Social Media Networker is...

Congrats WINNERS! 1st unofficial Sunshine Coast, BC social media networking awards. Two emerged as your favourites. The people's choice. Here are their stories...

And the best social media networker on the Sunshine Coast for 2010 is ...


OK, but first I am going to say congrats to each and everyone of us who have given facebook and twitter a try. It's so new, and for me a steep learning curve as its is I am sure for each and everyone of us.

And BEFORE we get to the winners, hehehehehe, who were also kind enough to share some excellent social networking tips, here are your comments which lead to the decision!

Know a GREAT Coast Business that uses facebook and/or twitter really well?

Kim Kerr Fenton
Unwind Knit and Fibre Lounge does!! We use FB to let folks know about what new stock there is, who's coming to knit night, what is fun about town. Twitter: ditto! I love seeing new fans on the page and like to offer special deals to my FB and twitter readers such as discounts and freebies. It is the best way to get all the news that is fit to knit!

Teresa Nightingale
The Sweet Chef - April tweets several times a day, we always know what she's doing/baking!

Bodacious Lifestyles
We love using facebook and twitter to keep our customers and 'fans' up-to-date, announce new products, offer specials to facebook followers. We've seen a huge response - especially here on the coast. It's a great way to reach people and get involved in community. Thanks for asking:) Lorna - Bodacious Lifestyles Inc.
(also love to see so much facebook activity here on the coast - it's a great way to get and stay connected!)

Leo Gregory
Here are a few: Aquathought, Brian Hubenig design; Just Business People Canada magazine; The Wild Bistro (kera and hubby); Bonar Harris who organizes music at the Wild and of course yours truly ANCA Consulting Inc, a Naturally Autistic ANCA organization. oh, we appreciate Coast Accountants and a few others, as well as you Duane and your wonderful photography etc... And yes, The Aweet Chef - wow - there are many others like The Garden Bay Hotel - Ron is the owner, fabulous guy and so on...

Leo Gregory
I don't know if they all use facebook but definitely Bonar, The Wild, Aquathought doand us.

Leo Gregory
Because Brian has integrated himself with the online autistic community that I connect with, so have you for that matter. As a business man in his industry, he has supported through his online presence and socialization those in the autistic community who might not of thought to connect with small businesses, locally-nationally or internationally. The Wild Bistro is fab because I get to know what is going on there and when - so if I need a bit of r&r time and something nice is happening there, I know immediately via the fb network they have.I don't know if Bonar is a business - but it is the same with him too, he is always posting and I can keep up easily with when I need that music night or that spoken word night etc... It is a fingertip away and very connected to my own autistic network and community on fb. It is the same with what you do, you always keep me in the know, in the loop - better than the newspapers. Also the tourism org. here - I get to find out what is going on such as local events, whenever I want Hope I have explained, expanded on this OK??? As for my company - all my clients are kept in the daily loop with what is happening at ANCA as well as the international crowd we support and serve. It is fab!!!

Lynette Legault
Loumidees does to keep all you awesome ladies dressed well at really paycheque friendly prices...50% off tomorrow!! Stop by and see what all of you are missing. Way to go women in small business and of course 2 men:)

Melina Cassidy
Wild Bistro. Hands down.

Brian Hubenig
Leo at ANCA... She's a hub of a very large community internationally. Regular posts and updates, linking to news sources and resources for autistic people. Leo messages people directly when there's a major story or topic ensuring her friends have the opportunity to discuss the topic with others. Leo does a great job of moderating the discussions ensure that people are treated with respect.

Locally I have to say the Wild and Bonar (killer combo – I know what's going on all the time). Why I like the Wild so much is because they promote artists. Giving a venue to artists is so important and in turn the patrons support the musicians and the bistro – a wonderful combination

Donna McMahon
I appreciate the Wild's notes about menu items and reminders of upcoming events.

Margaret Page
Duane, I think you are the best! M.

Verna Chan
Yep--you use it really well Duane and I agree with many others, The Wild does a great job of keeping everyone informed about what's going on at their place--and they keep it fun!

Claudia Ferris
The Wild Bistro gets my vote for giving us regular updates. I also like that Kera asks folks about important issues such as the introduction of the HST - Kera and I both use Facebook to get a read on where our businesses are at to help us properly represent them in our roles as directors of the Gibsons and District Chamber of Commerce. I love ... See MoreFacebook as a way of gauging opinion and getting great ideas around many of the issues I deal with on the Chamber and the Sunshine Coast and District Labour Council. My Facebook friends are super smart and have great ideas!

Mardi Ahmed
Wild Bistro

Claudia Ferris
Duane you also get my vote as the most helpful social networker on coast. I have really appreciated you posting all the event stuff from the various organizations I'm involved with.

Heidi Zurbrugg
Wild Bistro... they send out upbeat updates re. menu and upcoming events (music, spoken word). I always wish I were at the Wild when I get the updates.

Jack Amble
Roxanne Haddrell Personal Tax Service keeps me informed on new income tax developments. It is always nice to know about new income tax laws ahead of time so I can do some tax planning. She also has some Tax Humour posted there for when I need a laugh. Roxanne is also an active supporter of the SC Food Bank. I like to see local businesses giving back to the community.

Deborah Keith Geoffrion
I think the Wild led the pack here...way ahead of everyone else in grabbing hold of facebook tools for business and social networking. As a matter of fact whenever I am speaking to another business about getting a facebook page I suggest they become a fan of the wild to see how its done.

Heidi Zurbrugg
Plus, the Wild backs it all up with great food and experiences. Important point.

So, who do we choose as the best at social media networking based on all these comments???

From my experience and being on facebook and twitter extensively, combined with all your wonderful nominations and feedback....

I am going to say Kera Mchugh at the Wild Bistro in Gibsons, is the clear favourite with April Querishi of the Sweet Chef as a close 1 1/2. LOL better then second!

Congrats Wild Bistro & The Sweet Chef!

I asked both the Wild Bistro and Sweet Chef to please share with us their social media secrets and insights that they thought were behind people choosing them as their favourites.

This is great information if you want to be on facebook or twitter.

In their own words....


Kera Mchugh & Ian Backs
Wild Bistro, Gibsons, British Columbia, Canada
Phone: 604.886.1917

1) What exactly are the things you do on facebook and twitter for your business that people like?

on facebook i make note of upcoming shows, i try to post any daily specials - ie. soup or muffins or desserts that might be special that day, and make commentary about current affairs that directly impact us... i do this on both the wild bistro page, and my personal profile... sometimes they match, sometimes not.

i also run informal polls/surveys, ask questions that i'm having trouble forming an opinion about, look for insights & suggestions from customers & friends when we're faced with a decision that has more than one possible outcome....

and sometimes, i simply post my feelings about certain topics... generally i keep those to my personal profile rather than the WB page...

on twitter, it gets whatever i update my status on FB to - i don't really do anything specifically via twitter, who has time???

2) Why and What are the benefits of this medium to you and your customers/fans.

i think our FB fans benefit by a) having up to date info all the time, b) having an opportunity to share their opinion or ideas, c) giving input about a topic that potentially impacts them, d) getting some inside scoop that can help them make informed decisions, especially about where/how to spend whatever little extra they may have

i think we give our customers a little sense of ownership, and at least a sense of inclusion, when we ask for their opinion on things, and i believe that significantly increases loyalty... because they feel like we care about what they have to say... and we absolutely do! we may not always act on everything, because we can't act on every single suggestion, as often they differ on the same topic... but we definitely consider every one and then make decisions using that information.

3) Do you have any recommendations for other organizations and businesses on how to be the best at facebook and twitter?

there's a fine line, i think, between being open with your customers and opening up your business to them - i try not to be TOO open, because that doesn't leave me any room to change my mind and creates a lot of opportunity for more questions, which then eat up more time... AT THE SAME TIME, we don't really have a lot to hide - we're pretty open & honest with people face to face, so why not be so on facebook too... i think people appreciate it...

the other thing is not to air dirty laundry - i try not to comment about things that annoy me personally or that are particularly negative in nature... at least not about PEOPLE...

i think our customers get a sense that they really KNOW us from our interactions on FB - people read our personal status and get a sense of who we are, and whether or not we're on their wavelength... i think that also makes for more loyal customers... and it helps us to increase our customer base with people who are like us, with similar tastes, philosophies & outlooks, which in turn then makes the whole restaurant more enjoyable for everyone who comes here...

and, it's entirely possible that everything i've said above is complete hogwash and it has no real impact whatsoever! :D


April Querishi,
The Sweet Chef Bakery,
Gibsons, British Columbia, Canada
Phone: 604-989-CAKE(2253)
Custom cakes, gourmet cookies and designer wedding cakes.

1) What exactly are the things you do on facebook and twitter for your business that people like?

It’s important that we engage our customers and followers in conversation. People want to be involved in what’s going on in your business. People want to be a part of a community such as your business. Make them feel welcome and engage them in conversation.

If you’re friends with me on my personal Face Book page then you get a chance to see another side of me. I’m a wife, mother, daughter and person in your community and I understand where you’re coming from. I’m just like you!

2) Why and What are the benefits of this medium to you and your customers/fans.

It keeps you up to date on all that’s going on in the bakery such as new a product launch, upcoming events and where to find our great products.

It’s a great way to let people know what special you have that day/week/ month.

We also like to include industry events and news in our dialogue. It gives an insider’s look into an industry such as baking and pastry arts that people wouldn’t otherwise get a chance to see.

3) Do you have any recommendations for other organizations and businesses on how to be the best at facebook and twitter?

Make a commitment to do it. Follow through and be consistent. You need to post on a regular basis so people have a reason to come back.


Some awesome advice. Thank you to both Kera and April for taking the time to share with us their trade secrets on social media networking. Thank you to all of you who nominated your favourites! Should we do it again next year?

Thank you so much for reading my blog! All your comments, feedback, "Likes" and story suggestions are super greatly appreciated! Best Wishes, Duane Burnett

How Well Do You Tweet? by The Entreprenette Gazette
19 great tips on better tweeting and social networking!

It's Always A Good Day on the Sunshine Coast!

Hope you liked! Come and Join me on facebook or twitter! Duane

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Waterfall Lookout Wheelchair Friendly in Roberts Creek

30may2010duaneburnett (6)



A wheelchair friendly look out over a beautiful waterfall rises from storm devastation in Cliff Gilker Park in Roberts Creek on the Sunshine Coast, BC.

12april2010duaneburnett (11)

In April 2010 a spring storm took out a hiking bridge in Cliff Gilker park.

The forested park is very popular for all its beautiful waterfalls and creeks, especially with the dog crowd. I use to go all the time with my dog Tundra as it was cool in the summer and offered lots of refreshing pools for them to swim in and have a drink.

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I call the Sunshine Coast a dog's Disney Land. A real paradise for our four legged friends. Not to mention "A Clean Get Away" too.

Everything Reminds Me of my Dog
by Jane Siberry Tribute to Tundra RIP

The winds often blast the west coast and this time several trees crushed one of the main bridges in the park that also goes over the central waterfall.

Since Tundra has passed away in January 2010, I have slowly gained the courage to try to heal by going through our old haunts together and in the process created this photo essay of the bridge being rebuilt.


19may2010duaneburnett (14)

The new hiking bridge has a beautiful new observation platform that is great for wheelchairs. The forest trails leading to the bridge have all been made wheelchair accessible and connect to another observation platform which offers a direct view of the waterfall.

11july2010duaneburnett (113)

What a wonderful job the Rotary has done. I think time in nature is so healing for the spirit and this is a living tribute to those with terminal illness who can now be brought out into the light of the forest and the cleansing water.

The parking lot, trails and observation deck all easily and conveniently connect within a very short distance of each other. The main park trails however are not wheelchair accessible and are your typical forest paths often made my ground water runoff in some areas.

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The Rotary Club's on the Sunshine Coast do a great deal of good in our community including a recently completed wheelchair accessible children's playground in Sechelt, BC and an accessible fishing dock at Trout Lake in Halfmoon Bay.

I wrote a story about it previously on my blogspot. Here is the link to find out more about other Rotary projects.

12april2010duaneburnett (9)

I think its awesome that the Sunshine Coast is making the coast more accessible and wheelchair friendly.

I would appreciate any help from community groups with a project in memory of my Siberian wolf dog Tundra to install wheelchair accessible and dog friendly drinking fountains in parks up and down the coast. A donation can be made at any branch of the Sunshine Coast Credit Union to "Tundras Drinking Fund" or please contact me directly if you are a community group, business or corporation.

Tundra's Accessible Dog & People Friendly Drinking Fountain Fund

Thanks for reading my blog, all your comments, feedback and story suggestions are always greatly appreciated. Best Wishes, Duane.

SEE ALL 50+ Photos

Some comments on my facebook profile:

Sharon Charboneau
that's a good thing! We can't forget that our friends with disabilities want to share in the beauty of the Coast just as the able bodied do, to the best of their abilities.

Leo Gregory
Great for our son Anthony!

Sharon Charboneau
and my husband Dane who now needs a walker sometimes

Darla Deter
Way to go Duane... you are a man of the Gods ♥

It's Always A Good Day on the Sunshine Coast!

Hope you liked! Come and Join me on facebook or twitter! Duane

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Come check it out!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day of Revenge Faces Guillotine

Hero faces chopping block!
Duane Burnett

Deanna Proach has always loved writing and she has a huge imagination. Her intrigue in the French Revolution and the dreaded guillotine has lead to her upcoming novel "Day of Revenge."

Author Deanna Proach "Day of Revenge"

In university Deanna never really thought of pursuing a career in writing until she got into the thick of writing Day of Revenge.

Actually, it was an independent course she took with her creative writing professor, Dr. Robert Budde, that compelled Deanna to pursue a career in writing.

Deanna's love for the French Revolution dates back to her high school years. Her grade nine socials teacher, Mrs. Sproule, really inspired Deanna to appreciate history and to learn more about it. What struck Deanna in particular about the French Revolution was the infamous guillotine. Why such a gruesome killing machine intrigues her so much, she says she cannot "honestly give an answer."

Deanna was born to write. As a child she wrote and illustrated the Creepy Book Series, a series of short stories that entailed the adventures of her life as a child growing up in Sechelt, a small town situated on the South Coast of British Columbia.

Deanna always knew she wanted to write a story set in revolutionary France, but didn't want to create characters that fell prey to the vicious revolutionaries. She wanted to create characters who were brave enough to stand up and fight injustice regardless of the consequences. And, she adds, "I just think that everyone should learn about the French Revolution." It was such a violent event and many of the ideals--both good and bad--that we adhere to today were founded during the French Revolution.

'Day of Revenge' will be released from Inkwater Press sometime in mid-October 2010.

Below, is a synopsis of 'Day of Revenge'.

Military Captain Samuel La Font may be headstrong and ill-tempered, but he is not about to flee his war-torn country without a fight. He is determined to stay in France and wage a war against the revolutionaries.

For the greater part of the year 1793, everything works in Samuel’s favor. He doesn’t have to convince his close knit group of friends to stay behind with him. They willingly endanger their lives to support him. His Corsican based family has even recruited several skilled soldiers who are more than willing to die for Samuel’s cause.

But, towards autumn, fate takes an unexpected and dangerous turn. Late July, Samuel sends his best friend, Pierre La Metz, a letter outlining his organized plot to march on Paris, assassinate Robespierre and the other leading revolutionaries and then place the young Louis XVII on his rightful throne. But, his plans are severely thwarted when the letter is discovered by a band of Jacobins. When Samuel receives news of Pierre’s brutal arrest, he rushes to make his young friend, Emmanuel d’ LeVasque, his right hand man even though he knows Emmanuel is far from being the most skilled swordsman in all of France.

Now that Robespierre knows about the letter, he will not rest until he finds the conspirators dead or alive, even if it costs him 10,000 more heads. This spells danger for Samuel and his friends. To avoid the guillotine, they must work much harder to conceal their identity and their hatred.

Since Samuel’s soldiers are in his home state of Corsica, he and Emmanuel must leave their friends behind for a short time to prepare for their war.

When the men arrive in Corsica, things become progressively worse. Samuel ends up in a conflict with his hot-tempered cousin, Maximus and Emmanuel falls in love with Samuel’s youngest cousin, Lisabetta. When Samuel learns of Emmanuel’s intent to bring her back to mainland France with them, he is enraged. To add insult to injury, more than half of Samuel’s soldiers, including his entire family, abandon him in support of Maximus. Their treacherous and cowardly behaviour infuriates Samuel. Yet, at the same time, his burning desire to avenge the tyrants who are ruining his country urges him to carry on with his plans.

Thanks for sharing that sneak peek synopsis with all of us Deanna!

I just love how creative the Sunshine Coast is and truly wish Deanna every success with her new novel. How exciting to have a book published. I can't wait till its printed and available. Well done! Look for Deanna's book launch coming soon!

Thanks everyone for reading my blog, all your feedback, comments, likes and story suggestions. Best Wishes, Duane Burnett

More about Deanna Proach

It's Always A Good Day on the Sunshine Coast!

Hope you liked! Come and Join me on facebook or twitter! Duane

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Saving BC Glass Sponge No Bubble Bath

Protecting prehistoric sponge is not as easy as a taking a luxurious sponge bath but I guarantee seeing it protected for future generations will give you that same glowing feel good feeling.

The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) have been working for years to protect a sponge once thought to have disappeared with the dinosaurs but found alive and well right here in British Columbia.

The group is calling for protection of all these glass sponge reefs located through out the southern Strait of Georgia, after successfully gaining some recognition towards protection in Hecate Strait in the Queen Charlotte Islands on World Oceans Day.

Gail Shea, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, has declared an “Area of Interest” for a future Marine Protected Area around the reefs, considered one of the great wonders in Canada’s oceans.

Can the coral in the Strait of Georgia be protected too? Should we be protecting the marine floor? I think yes. It is as critical to our planet as the forests and air. So why do so many of us still make a business out of destroying it?

I have worried for at least 3 decades now about the constant pounding the Strait of Georgia takes from pollution run off. The basin is like a giant cauldron, so anything and everything we can do to safeguard its health is critical. It also takes a blood bath in plastic pollution.

Check out this story It's A Whale of a Plastic Picnic where I show photos of two fist fulls of plastic I picked up off the beach and a video of the whale that's been hanging out in the filth, rumoured to have had a baby calf. I envision feeding a bucket of plastic to the whales open mouth.

Ok stay with me here.... back on topic! LOL

I hope you will agree and help get the word out there. These days its as easy as clicking "Like" and all your facebook friends instantly know about it!


The issue came to my attention today, when a volunteer from the Sunshine Coast Conservation Association (SCCA) asked me to sign a petition outside the Daily Roast in Sechelt, BC.

I went home and Googled it only to find myself more confused. The article said protection was forthcoming so why were they passing a petition around to protect them?

I contacted CPAWS and asked them to help me out.

Veronica Lo, Marine Conservation Planning Coordinator for the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - BC Chapter emailed to say:

It’s easy to understand the confusion – there are two separate geographical groupings of sponges, and the ones that DFO have announced as an Area of Interest as a potential Marine Protected Area are the northern group, located in Hecate Strait. That was great news on Oceans Day!

However, there is another group of glass sponge reefs located in the Southern Strait of Georgia – these have not been afforded any protection. While smaller, they also rare and unique, and provide habitat for a multitude of marine organisms. The SCCA are our partners in trying to achieve protection of these southern sponge reefs, through fishing closures, and eventually permanent protection as a Marine Protected Area.


And what a tremendous help and wealth of information. I don't think I can say it any better then to share with you the information Veronica passed along.


For the past decade, CPAWS-BC has been working to protect the globally unique glass sponge reefs in British Columbia. Glass sponge reefs were first discovered on the coast of British Columbia in 1988, in Hecate Strait. Smaller glass sponge reefs have more recently been discovered in the Southern Strait of Georgia. Thought to have been extinct for 30 million years, they are the only known living glass sponge reefs anywhere on Earth. The sponge reefs are composed entirely of silica, hence the name “glass” and are extremely fragile. They have been growing on the seafloor at depths of 200 metres since the last glaciers retreated over 9,000 years ago. The four sizeable sponge reefs in Hecate Strait reach heights comparable to an eight-storey building (approximately 25 metres) and span about 1000 square kilometres. Since their discovery, numerous newspapers and magazines have featured these special marine organisms.

Sponge Reefs at Risk
The glass sponge reefs are not only significant because of their rarity, but they also provide vital habitat to a wide range of marine animals including octopi, shrimp, squat lobsters, sea cucumbers and fish including rockfish, ling cod, skate and sole. Unfortunately, these glass sponge reefs are very fragile and, like corals, have very slow growth rates. Studies have shown that approximately half of the sponge reefs have been damaged by bottom-contact fishing (trawling). As a result of efforts by CPAWS-BC, Fisheries and Oceans Canada instituted fishing closures for the northern reefs in 2004.

Marine Protection – A Solution
In recognition of the rarity of the glass sponge reefs, CPAWS-BC applied for UNESCO World Heritage Site designation for the Hecate Strait sponge reefs. The application was denied, as in order to be granted this special status, the sponge reefs need to be permanently protected by the federal government.

CPAWS-BC has worked extensively with sponge researcher Dr. Manfred Krautter from Leibniz University in Germany to spread awareness of these incredible organisms to the public. CPAWS-BC and Dr. Krautter conducted a speaking tour to costal communities in B.C. including Sechelt, Tofino, and Parksville. The tour included a presentation to the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans about the urgent need for long term protection with MPs and DFO staff, and meetings with the Deputy and Assistant Deputy Ministers.

Over the years, many local politicians have written to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans to voice their support for marine protected areas around the glass sponge reefs. The Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities, and the Union of BC Municipalities have endorsed permanent protection of the sponge reefs in ‘The Glass Sponge Reefs of BC Resolution B171’.

Not only have the sponge reefs struck a chord with the wider community, they have also fascinated scientists. In 2008, CPAWS-BC co-hosted a Glass Sponge Reef Symposium in Sidney, B.C., with Natural Resources Canada, to facilitate collaborative research on sponge reefs between various academic institutions. Natural Resources Canada has been an important partner in prioritizing research around the glass sponge reefs.

In addition to establishing MPAs and interim protection measures for specific areas, CPAWS-BC actively promoted a coast-wide strategy for glass sponge reef protection. CPAWS co-hosted a Coral and Sponge Conservation Strategy Workshop with Fisheries and Oceans Canada to gather scientists and managers in discussions about an overall conservation strategy for sponges and corals in B.C.

The consideration of the glass sponge reefs in Hecate Strait as MPAs is an important step toward the long-term protection of reefs. CPAWS will continue to work with Fisheries and Oceans Canada and other stakeholders to complete the designation process within the 2012 timeline promised by the government.

Earth Day, Roberts Creek, BC, photos Veronica Lo.

I think about the tragedy of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and how we are loosing coral reefs around the world. I sure hope we can protect what he have in our own back yard!

Below is some information about the organization and links to find out more.

Again, thank you for reading my blog, all your great comments, feed back and story suggestions. Don't forget to share them around, they are doing absolutely no good sitting here on my blog all by themselves. Duane

CPAWS likes it wild. As Canada's grassroots voice for wilderness, over the years, the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, CPAWS, has helped to protect over 400,000 square kilometres of threatened areas. CPAWS-BC is one of 13 chapters across Canada and plays a key role in establishing new protected areas and in improving the management of existing parks.

We achieve our goals through advocacy, education and cooperative partnerships with other environmental groups, industry, governments, First Nations and the public.


Want to help save these stunning sponges, some located right off of Sechelt, BC?

Its free to write Gail Shea the Minister of Fisheries and requires no stamp!

The Honourable Gail Shea
Minister of Fisheries and Oceans
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

CPAW Website
Facebook page

Sunshine Coast Conservation Association

Gail Shea, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans

Hectate Strait
Georgia Strait


It's Always A Good Day on the Sunshine Coast!

Hope you liked! Come and Join me on facebook or twitter! Duane

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Sunshine Coast BC Canada facebook FAN PAGE

Sunday, July 11, 2010

PHOTOS 2010 Davis Bay Sandcastle Competition

100+ PHOTOS. Sun, surf and sand make for a great sandcastle competition in Davis Bay, British Columbia on the Sunshine Coast, Canada. by Duane Burnett

11july2010duaneburnett (87)

There were 20 competitors this year in over three categories: Youth (13 and under), Family and Group. 500 to 600 people throughout the day came down. The Rotary came out in full force with a BBQ Hot Dog and Hamburger stand. Plus DJ Astrid provided great tunes for the day. People from Nanaimo, White Rock and Vancouver joined the competition.

This year's Winners!!

1st Von Casey Clan from Davis Bay
2nd I Was A Bukkit from Sechelt
3rd Team Princess from Davis Bay

1st St John's United Church From Davis Bay
2nd Thunder Cougar Falcon Cannon from Roberts Creek
3rd Shakalaka from Sechelt

1st Girls Rock from Roberts Creek
2nd The Nile River from Gibsons
3rd Kool Kidz from Davis Bay

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+Photos 2010
+Photos 2009
+Photos 2008
+Photos 2007

11july2010duaneburnett (69)

2010 Sandcastle on Facebook
(must click "Like" be a fan to TAG photos)

It's Always A Good Day on the Sunshine Coast!

11july2010duaneburnett (86)

Hope you liked! Come and Join me on facebook or twitter! Duane

Duane's Facebook Profile

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Sunshine Coast BC Canada facebook FAN PAGE

Saturday, July 10, 2010

List of Gulf Oil Spill Disaster Facebook Pages

"LIKE" it to share on your facebook.
Dark Crude In Gulf Region Shores

75 facebook pages & groups about the
Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill Disaster

In Memory of the Wildlife & Ocean Life killed by the 2010 Gulf oil spill

Message from the Memory of Wildlife fb page administrator:

Dear Administrators and Members of all Gulf (Oil Disaster) pages,

Since the Deepwater Horizon tragedy occurred all over the world people are waking up and taking notice of what is going on in the Gulf.

This event is not just affecting Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama; it is affecting all of us on a global level.

In less than three months, we have observed 11 men die on an oil rig, we have observed a boat captain commit suicide, we have observed several animals dying, and we have observed our precious Gulf of Mexico/Atlantic Ocean become a giant cesspool of oil, dying animals, smoke, and Corexit.

The effect of this has extended to our economy, our moral, our political mood, our culture, our health, our planet’s precious animals (dolphins, whales, fish, birds, turtles, and insects), our marshes, our fishermen, our dogs and cats, our families, our hearts and our souls.

We feel lied to, betrayed, angry, sad, scared, baffled, and kept in the dark and at times so very powerless. Yet, amazingly, we are “uniting”, taking action, creating change, fighting, working hard, sharing, bonding, helping, in any way we can. We are not asleep, we are wide awake.

We are sharing information, organizing events, reporting news, volunteering, networking, motivating, creating art, music, videos, spreading awareness. In so many cases we are setting aside “ideology” “ego” and remaining humble so we can remain proactive and positive. GREAT JOB EVERYONE, KEEP IT UP. There is a long road ahead.

To better connect us all, I have compiled a list of Facebook pages relating to the Gulf Oil Disaster. There are many different aspects to this situation, so there are a variety of pages. I have attempted to include each and every page that I am aware of. If you do not see YOUR group on this list, there will be instructions on how to add it (when we update) at end of this list.

NOTE: For anyone that is “reporting” on the oil spill, please see the link on journalistic integrity at . Last of all; please use common sense when reading articles. There are people that are not going to follow the rules of “journalistic integrity”. Also, there is a huge difference between “news” and “opinion”.

Thanks again for all YOU are doing. We all must continue to work together.

“In Memory”

Oil BP Naughty to Nature hip hop parody

List of Gulf of Mexico Oil Disaster Facebook Pages

1. Save the Louisiana Coast -

2. Save the Gulf Of Mexico -

3. Save our Seas -

4. Save the Gulf: Olivia's Bird Illustrations -

5. Save the Animals from the Gulf Coast Oil Spill

6. Gulf Coast Cats and Dogs -

7. Our Hearts, Thoughts and Prayers go out to the People of the Gulf Coast -

8. Connecting People Who Want to Leave the Gulf with People who can help -

9. Gulf Coast oil spill Volunteers -

10. Gigs for the Gulf -

BP Shame Following Oil Spill In gulf

11. One love ♥ One Gulf –

12. Manage the Gulf Oil Spill Now -

13. We Need One Million People to Show Support for Animals of the Gulf Oil

14. Animals in Pain. The BP effect.

15. Artists Helping Animals of the Gulf Oil Disaster -

16. Paying Respect to the 11 People that died on the oil rig -

17. Path Responds to Gulf Oil Spill –Animal Rescue -

18. National Wildlife Federation -

19. Fans of Philipp Cousteau -

20. Florida Wildlife Federation-!/pages/Florida-Wildlife-Federation/44404754861?ref=ts

New BP Gulf Headquarters

21. International Bird Rescue Research Center -

22. Official Voice for the Voiceless -

23. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) -

Drill Baby Drill.... Disaster Gallery

24. Gulf Oil Spill Musicians and Artists Unite-

25. Oceana -

26. Matter of Trust -

27. Friends of Dr. Sylvia Earle -

28. Native Orleanian Fine Photography - the photography of Jerry Moran -

29. Farewell to the Gulf as Witnessed by Denise Rednour -

30. Maggie Sky -

31. Nick Zantop Blog & Photos -


32. Duane Burnett Canadian Reporter/Actor/Blogger and part of Oil BP Naughty to Nature OPP Hip Hop video parody -

33. Team Gulf-

34. Coastal Warriors -

35. Did you write your politician -

36. Help Clean Up The Spill -

37. Everyone Can Help Clean Up the Oil Spill -

38. Help Me Help With the Gulf Oil Spill Crisis -

39. Georgianne Nienaber (Journalist) -

40. True Reporting On Gulf Oil Spill (Gregg Hall) -

Booms & Birds In BP Oil

41. Kindra Arnesen -

42. Gulf Awareness Project -

43. Save the Gulf -

44. All Coasts Environmental Response -

45. The Earth is too Big too Fail -

46. Stop with the Bureaucracy BS and Clean Up the Gulf Already -

47. 1 Million Strong for Hemp Oil not Crude Oil -

48. Spill Into Washington D.C. Labor Day Weekend -

49. Biological Predator -

50. Please Stop the Toxic Chemicals the are using on the Oil Spill -

Sitting Oily

51. No More Chemical Dispersants -

52. One Million Against BP Burning Sea Turtles -

53. 1,000,000 Strong Against Offshore Drilling -

54. BP Oil Flood Protest -

55. Boycott BP -

56. Thanks BP You’ve Destroyed Our Gulf of Mexico -

57. BP..You Killed the O(cean -

58. Get BP to match ALL Donations to the National Wildlife Federation -

59. Boycott BP/Arco -

Young Brown Pelicans To Be Cleaned

60. Make British Petroleum Pay for the Gulf Coast Oil Spill -

61. Deepwater Horizon Spill News and Commentary -

62. BP’s Dispersant Corexit Banned in the UK for Ten Years -

63. 1,000,000 for the Ocean -

64. Boycott Petroleum Products Day -

65. If You are not Angry and Outraged You are not Paying Attention -

66. I Bet I Can Find 1,000,000 People Who Love the Beach and are Angry with BP -

67. Save the Gulf -

68. Gulf Oil Spill Crisis Let’s Take Action America -

69. Oil Spill Help the Animals -

Brown Pelican Tagged At Gulf Rescue Center

70. Gulf Oil Spill – Pro Publica -

71. Project Tantulus -

72. Operation Here to Help -

73. In Memory of ? (A Person, A Pet, Loved One) -

74. Manage the Gulf Oil Spill NOW -

75. In Memory of the Wildlife & Ocean Life killed by the 2010 Gulf Oil Spill

Photo courtesy
This is a baby Whale that bp could not pick up/burn before it was photographed. This is why we boycott...for the whales. Boycott bp for killing our Whales. BP brands to boycott include Castrol, Arco, Aral, am/pm, Amoco, Wild Bean Cafe .Deutsche gegen ARAL Vereinigten

WOW on behalf of every single group and all their members and every one from the Gulf and around the planet I want to extend a MASSIVE HUGE HUG to Sabrina for her hours and hours of hard work compiling this list!

Thank you as well for the shout out to Oil BP Naughty to Nature. Truly Grateful!

Story Behind Oil BP Naughty to Nature

Yours for the planet, Duane Burnett

++many photos courtesy Green Peace USA on Flickr

Louisiana BP Oil Frustration

Hope you liked! Come and Join me on facebook or twitter! Duane

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Duane's Facebook Fan Page

Sunshine Coast BC Canada facebook FAN PAGE
